Mr Robot

  • Avaliação: 8,70
  • Ano de emissão: 2015
  • Géneros: Crime, Drama
  • Países: United States
  • Duração: 49 minutos
  • Complexidade: 9

Elliot Anderson sofre de uma desordem anti-social e depressão clínica, mas ele é um programador e hacker do computador genius. Ele junta-se a uma equipe de hacktivistas cujo líder quer destruir os dados de uma das maiores corporações, a E Corp, e cancelar dívidas de todos os clientes.

  • 1.
    In MR. ROBOT, Elliot, a cyber-security engineer by day and vigilante hacker by night, is recruited by a mysterious underground group to destroy the firm he's paid to protect. Elliot must decide how far he'll go to expose the forces he believes are running (and ruining) the world.
  • 2. eps1.1_ones-and-zer0es.mpeg
    Elliot must choose between job offers from Evil Corp, and fsociety.
  • 3. eps1.2_d3bug.mkv
    Elliot tries to lead a normal life, but can't escape fsociety. Gideon, meanwhile, grows suspicious; and Tyrell plays dirty.
  • 4. eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4
    Elliot deals with his morphine withdrawal by having a series of hallucinations about his life. Angela takes a trip down a road she's never been before.
  • 5. eps.1.4_3xpl0its.wmv
    Fsociety attempts to penetrate Steel Mountain, the most secure data facility in America.
  • 6. eps.1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf
    Elliot attempts to hack Vera out of jail in order to save someone he cares about; Tyrell's “game” gets crazy; and Angela digs deeper into her mother's death.
  • 7. eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv
    Elliot misses Shayla. Angela makes a deal with Colby. Sharon Knowles has an encounter with Tyrell.
  • 8. eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v
  • 9. eps1.8_m1rr0r1ng.qt
    Elliot has to face the challenges of his past, and become accustomed to his new found family.
  • 10. eps1.9_zer0-day.avi
    Another huge discovery for Elliot surrounding his family and fsociety, Tyrell's world starts to close around him and Angela has a rather unexpected visitor.
  • 0. Episode
  • 1.
    One month later and five/nine has changed the world. Elliot is in seclusion. Angela finds happiness at Evil Corp. fsociety delivers a malicious payload. TANGO DOWN?
  • 2.
    Five/nine has changed the world; Elliot is in seclusion; Angela finds happiness at Evil Corp.; fsociety delivers a malicious payload.
  • 3. eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd
    Elliot is determined to beat Mr. Robot, but the task proves difficult. Angela gets a view behind the scenes at Evil Corp.
  • 4. eps2.2_init1.asec
    Elliot befriends Ray, hoping he can finally delete Mr. Robot. Dom makes a discovery. Darlene considers whether the FBI or Dark Army are the bigger threat.
  • 5. eps2.3_logic-b0mb.hc
    Elliot is unable to quit the game. Dom and the FBI travel to China to investigate five/nine. Joanna is haunted. Darlene asks Angela for help.
  • 6. eps2.4_m4ster-s1ave.aes
    Mr. Robot tries to prove to Elliot that he can be useful. Darlene and Angela's plan does not go as expected.
  • 7. eps2.5_h4ndshake.sme
    Mr. Robot and Elliot try to get along. fsociety releases a holiday video to honor Uncle Sam. Darlene acts on an old desire.
  • 8. eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12
    Elliot realizes the repercussions of a power vacuum. fsociety begins to fracture. Darlene must make hard decisions.
  • 9. eps2.7_init_5.fve
    Angela wants more from Evil Corp. Dark Army's allegiance is in question. Elliot and Darlene seek answers.
  • 10. eps2.8_h1dden-pr0cess.axx
    Elliot wonders if Mr. Robot has been lying to him; Darlene attempts to do the right thing; Dom and the FBI get closer.
  • 11. eps2.9_pyth0n-pt1.p7z
    Angela makes an unexpected acquaintance. Darlene realizes she's in deep. An old friend reveals all to Elliot.
  • 12. eps2.9_pyth0n-pt2.p7z
    fsociety is in too deep rn. an old friend reveals all to elliot. sh*t gets real af.
  • 1. eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h
    Elliot realizes his mission, and needs help from Angela; Darlene worries about them coming out clean.
  • 2. eps3.1_undo.gz
    Elliot is encouraged at trying to undo five/nine. Darlene gets stuck between a rock and a hard place. Mr. Robot sparks a panic.
  • 3.
    The former interim CTO of E Corp returns.
  • 4. eps3.3_m3tadatapar2
    Dom has a close call. Elliot chases himself with Darlene on the lookout.
  • 5. eps3.4_runtime-err0r.r00
    E Corp in chaos elliot on the run darlene comes to help cant stop wont stop angela FTW.
  • 6.
    Elliot faces off with Mr. Robot. Dom gets tired of the red tape; Tyrell has a new plan.
  • 7. eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk
    Mr. Robot wants answers. The FBI closes in. Angela hits the rewind button.
  • 8. eps3.7_dont-delte-me.ko
    Elliot tries to get ghosted. It is the day of all days.
  • 9. eps3.8_stage3.torrent
    elliot trolls a former ally. mr. robot leaves cryptic txt. tyrell gets new cmds. tbh darlene’s plan is next level risky biz.
  • 10. eps3.9_shutdown-r
    Elliot tries to save Darlene, but things don't go as planned. Mr Robot must decide whether to step up or step back.
  • 1. 401 Unauthorized
    xmas time. elliot+mrrobot are BAK. darlene deals with real sh*t. tyrell's bored. dom's paranoid AF.
  • 2. 402 Payment Required
    Elliot + Darlene come together. Dom gets dark army vibes.
  • 3. 403 Forbidden Error
    Whiterose has the feels. Elliot owned by his own hack. An old foe waits.
  • 4. 404 Not Found
    elliot, mrrobot, and tyrell walkin' in a winter wonderland. darlene meets a bad santa. dom is DTF.
  • 5. 405 Method Not Allowed
    no xmas lolz for dom. darelliot gives a run-around. krista plays hookie. quiet pls, the show is on.
  • 6. 406 Not Acceptable
    vera tells a tale. darlene gets an xmas surprise. elliot goes rogue.
  • 7. 407 Proxy Authentication Required
    i feud any data.
  • 8. 408 Request Timeout
    janice wants all the deets. elliot is shook.
  • 9. 409 Conflict
    Fsociety faces off against Deus Group.
  • 10. 410 Gone
    we stan domlene.
  • 11. 411 eXit
    enuf is enuf. elliot goes to the washington township power plant.
  • 12. Who Am I
    Elliot questions his identity and the world he wakes up into.
  • 13. Hello, Elliot
    Elliot finally finds the answers to his questions, and the Elliot known to Darlene wakes up from an eternal sleep.
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