Leverage: Redemption

  • Avaliação: 8,90
  • Ano de emissão: 2021
  • Géneros: Драма, Комедия, Боевик, Приключения
  • Países: Соединенные Штаты

The Hitter, the Hacker, the Grifter and the Thief are together again, this time with help from a new tech genius and corporate fixer, to take on a new kind of villain. From the man who created an opioid crisis from the comfort of his boardroom to the shadowy security firm that helps hide dangerous secrets for a price - when someone needs help, they provide… Leverage.

  • 1. The Too Many Rembrandts Job
    When the team comes together to help Sophie, they intercept guilt-ridden corporate fixer Harry and decide to help him take down an evil billionaire making money on the back of an opioid crisis.
  • 2. The Panamanian Monkey Job
    With a new team member on board plus the arrival of Hardison’s genius foster sister, the team heads to Panama to pull an elaborate heist before an evil billionaire can get his money and flee to a non-extradition country.
  • 3. The Rollin' on the River Job
    The Leverage team takes on a greedy riverboat casino owner, before he can bulldoze the homes of longtime New Orleans natives for his planned expansion.
  • 4. The Tower Job
    One member of the team seeks redemption and justice by convincing Leverage to con a developer out of an entire luxury apartment building.
  • 5. The Paranormal Hacktivity Job
    When a woman believes she is being haunted and runs from her home in terror, Sophie leads Breanna and Parker through a con to convince the two real estate scammers responsible to target Leverage HQ.
  • 6. The Card Game Job
    The Leverage team dives into the world of a high fantasy collectible card game with a devoted following to take down a pharmaceutical bad boy who is price-gouging drugs to fund his own house of cards.
  • 7. The Double-Edged Sword Job
    The team takes on a brilliant software developer who is selling a groundbreaking facial recognition system that threatens everyone’s privacy except his own.
  • 8. The Mastermind Job
    Sophie must keep her feelings in check when she discovers that someone has written a memoir of the team, casting himself as Nate – which leads an exiled criminal to kidnap Harry and “Fake Nate,” forcing the Leverage team to pull a heist.
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