
  • Avaliação: 9,00
  • Ano de emissão: 2014
  • Géneros: Crime, Drama
  • Países: United States
  • Duração: 52 minutos
  • Complexidade: 10

O corretor de seguros Lester Nygaard deveria ter assegurado o seu estilo de vida divertido e despreocupado. Depois de se deparar com um misterioso caminhante pelo nome de Lorne Malvo, sua vida nunca mais será a mesma.

  • 1. The Crocodile's Dilemma
    A rootless, manipulative man meets a small town insurance salesman and sets him on a path of destruction.
  • 2. The Rooster Prince
    Molly begins to suspect that Lester is involved in the murders, but her boss points her in a different direction. Meanwhile, Malvo investigates the plot against a man known as the Supermarket King.
  • 3. A Muddy Road
    Malvo flips the script on the blackmail operation. Molly sets a trap, and Gus debates whether he should come clean. Lester's return to work has complicated repercussions.
  • 4. Eating the Blame
    When Gus tries to right a wrong, Malvo embraces his alter ego. Lester finds himself in a surprising situation, and Molly uncovers a promising lead.
  • 5. The Six Ungraspables
    When Lester has a close call, Molly makes an unorthodox decision. Gus weighs some neighborly advice, and Malvo gets what he wants.
  • 6. Buridan's Ass
    Malvo executes his master plan, while Lester attempts to craft one of his own. Gus and Molly team up in Duluth.
  • 7. Who Shaves the Barber?
    Molly recuperates from her injury, while Malvo looks to dispatch a syndicate in Fargo. Lester continues his descent into darkness with the unfolding of his plan.
  • 8. The Heap
    Molly faces pressure to close the case, while Lester starts to feel like a new man.
  • 9. A Fox, a Rabbit, and a Cabbage
    Lester has an unexpected encounter, Malvo changes course, and a new investigation leads Molly down a familiar path.
  • 10. Morton's Fork
    Molly takes the lead, while Gus pursues a hunch. Lester manipulates a situation, and Malvo finds a new target.
  • 1. Waiting for Dutch
    An unexpected turn of events at a diner disrupts the lives of the citizens in a small Minnesota town.
  • 2. Before the Law
    The Gerhardts get a surprising offer; two unlikely murderers do their best to clean up their mess.
  • 3. The Myth of Sysiphus
    The Gerhardts' search for Rye intensifies; Lou takes a trip to Fargo; Peggy overhears a new theory about the Waffle Hut shooter.
  • 4. Fear and Trembling
    Floyd responds to Kansas City's proposal, Hanzee takes a road trip, and Lou has a realization.
  • 5. The Gift of the Magi
    Floyd takes action and Charlie tries to prove himself; Peggy and Ed disagree about what to do next; Lou finds himself sidelined during Ronald Reagan's campaign tour.
  • 6. Rhinoceros
    Lou and Hank try to prevent an altercation, Peggy and Ed defend their choices and the Gerhardt clan attempts to get back one of their own.
  • 7. Did You Do This? No, You Did It!
    Lou and Hank investigate in Fargo, The King of Breakfast visits Betsy and Molly, Floyd is summoned away and Bear questions a family member's loyalty.
  • 8. Loplop
    The quiet and unsociable Hanzee Dent hunts for married couple Peggy and Ed Blumquist in connection with a possibly deadly incident while Dodd finds himself in an uncomfortable position in unknown territory.
  • 9. The Castle
    Peggy and Ed agree to follow through with their plan at the Motor Motel, Lou faces jurisdictional politics and Hanzee reports back to the Gerhardts.
  • 10. Palindrome
    Peggy and Ed make a run while Lou tries to make things right again.
  • 1. The Law of Vacant Places
    A twisted sibling rivalry leads to murder, mobsters and cutthroat competitive bridge in a small Midwestern town.
  • 2. The Principle of Restricted Choice
    Gloria deals with the aftermath of a crime, Vargas makes a move, and Ray and Nikki move on to Plan B.
  • 3. The Law of Non-Contradiction
    Gloria revisits her stepfather's past to try and find some answers.
  • 4. The Narrow Escape Problem
    Emmit and Sy try to figure out what they've gotten themselves into, Nikki and Ray track down some collateral, and Gloria learns more about Maurice.
  • 5. The House of Special Purpose
    Nikki and Ray's retaliation has consequences for Emmit. Meanwhile, Gloria and Winnie start connecting the dots.
  • 6. The Lord of No Mercy
    Gloria and Winnie get closer to the truth, Emmit tries to make things right, Nikki and Ray prepare for payback and Varga cleans up a mess.
  • 7. The Law of Inevitability
    Gloria tries to work around the system, Nikki finds herself in a familiar place, Varga comes up with an alternative plan and Emmit goes to dinner.
  • 8. Who Rules the Land of Denial?
    Nikki struggles to survive, Emmit gets spooked and Sy joins Varga for tea.
  • 9. Aporia
    Emmit sits down with Gloria, while Nikki negotiates a deal.
  • 10. Somebody to Love
    Gloria follows the money, Nikki plays a game and Emmit learns a lesson about progress from Varga. Season finale.
  • 1. Welcome to the Alternate Economy
    An uneasy peace between two Kansas City crime syndicates is threatened by an untimely death. Meanwhile, the Smutny family is caught between a rock and a hard place.
  • 2. The Land of Talking and Killing
    The Smutnys receive unexpected guests, Josto and Gaetano reunite, Loy challenges the status quo and Oraetta is caught.
  • 3. Raddoppiarlo
    Deafy and Odis join forces, Josto seeks revenge, Oraetta finds new employment, Gaetano makes a move and Zelmare and Swanee help the Smutnys with their debt.
  • 4. The Pretend War
    Loy retaliates, Josto asserts his leadership, Ethelrida makes a disturbing discovery and the walls begin to close in on Odis.
  • 5. The Birthplace of Civilization
    Josto strikes back, Ethelrida does the right thing, Loy finds himself against the ropes and Deafy shakes the tree.
  • 6. Camp Elegance
    Loy goes on the attack, Gaetano pays the piper, Oraetta goes off the deep end, Josto challenges orders and Rabbi puts his life on the line.
  • 7. Lay Away
    Josto makes a bold move, Loy battles his demons and Oraetta silences her critics.
  • 8. The Nadir
    Loy plays with fire, Josto wears his heart on his sleeve, Oraetta makes a surprising discovery and Deafy closes in on Zelmare and Swanee.
  • 9. East __ West
    Rabbi and Satchel hit the road.
  • 10. Happy
    Loy forms an uneasy alliance, Odis finds peace, Josto settles the score, Ethelrida takes a risk and Oraetta gets spooked.
  • 11. Storia Americana
    Josto gets revenge, Oraetta comes clean and Ebal teaches Loy a lesson about business.
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