
  • 評価: 9.40
  • 発行年: 2017
  • ジャンル: Drama
  • 国: United States, United Kingdom
  • 期間: 56 分
  • 複雑さ: 9

アフリカと信じられた死者の 10 年後ジェームズ ・ デラニーは父親の葬儀のためイギリスに戻ります。彼は、その値が増加することを知っている彼の半妹の北アメリカの西海岸に継承された小さな土地を売却する契約を破棄します。イギリスの政府とのパートナーシップで自分の取引会社と東貿易会社を構築しようとすると、彼は最終的に競合に入ります。

  • 1. Episode 1
    James Delaney returns to 1814 London after 10 years in Africa to claim a mysterious legacy left to him by his father.
  • 2. Episode 2
    As James Delaney assembles his league of the damned, an unexpected arrival threatens to disrupt his plans.
  • 3. Episode 3
    James Delaney decides to take radical action in order to safeguard himself from those intent on his demise.
  • 4. Episode 4
    Blacklisted, James Delaney sets out to protect his business by any means necessary.
  • 5. Episode 5
    James Delaney is blackmailed into a dangerous mission, whilst animosity between the Crown and Company escalates to a new level.
  • 6. Episode 6
    The East India Company declares war on James Delaney, whilst a family revelation drives him into dark and haunted places.
  • 7. Episode 7
    A devastating betrayal puts James Delaney’s freedom in jeopardy, handing his enemies the opportunity they've been longing for.
  • 8. Episode 8
    As James Delaney conspires to escape, an enraged Prince Regent unleashes one final plan to destroy him.
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