
  • 評価: 8.80
  • 発行年: 1997
  • ジャンル: Comedy, Animation
  • 国: United States
  • 期間: 22 分
  • 複雑さ: 9

南公園は、大人のためのアメリカのアニメーション テレビ シリーズです。それは 4 つの生徒の生活について説明します-サウスパークスタン · マーシュ、カイル ・ ブロフロフ スキー、エリック ・ カートマン、ケニー ・ マコーミック-奇妙な冒険常に必要あります。ホームコメディは、成熟した人々 が直面している様々 な問題を愚弄を目的とした暗いユーモアがいっぱいです。

  • 45. Episode
  • 1. Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
  • 2. Weight Gain 4000
    Kathie Lee Gifford comes to South Park to present an award to Cartman, and Mr. Garrison hopes to use the event to assassinate her.
  • 3. Volcano
    The kids go hunting with the rather trigger happy Jimbo and Ned. Little do they know that a volcano is on the verge of erupting.
  • 4. Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride
    Stan becomes distracted from the upcoming football game because his dog is gay, so he turns to the gayest man in town for advice, Big Gay Al.
  • 5. An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
    Kyle tries to crossbreed an elephant with a pig to win a science contest.
  • 6. Death
    Grampa wants Stan to kill him, the parents all want to kill the Terrance and Philip show, and Death just wants to kill someone.
  • 7. Pinkeye
    Kenny's death spawns an outbreak of the living dead in South Park.
  • 8. Starvin' Marvin
    The boys sponsor a starving Ethiopian child, only to have him show up on their doorstep.
  • 9. Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo
    The town is forced to remove anything that either has anything to do with Christmas or is offensive in the least bit to anyone. And Kyle tries to convince everyone of the existence of “Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo.”
  • 10. Damien
    The son of Satan called Damien is sent to Earth to find Jesus. Jesus and Satan end up in a fight of good and evil. The only problem is it's the same date as Cartman's birthday.
  • 11. Tom's Rhinoplasty
    When Mr. Garrison takes time off to get plastic surgery, the kids get the lovely Miss Ellen as their substitute. While she seems nice enough, Wendy notices the effect she has on the boys in the class, notably her boyfriend, Stan. Determined to win her man back, Wendy decides to dig a little deeper into Miss Ellen's background to find out what secrets she's really hiding.
  • 12. Mecha-Streisand
    Barbra Streisand comes to South Park after she learns that the boys have discovered a mysterious ancient stone. She hopes to unlock the stone's magical powers and transform herself into a deadly robotic giant.
  • 13. Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut
    Eric Cartman goes on a quest to find out who his father was. But when he learns who his mother slept with matters get complicated… because she slept with everybody in town.
  • 1. Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus
    Terrance and Phillip must go to Iran to rescue Terrance's kidnapped daughter. Meanwhile Saddam Hussein takes over Canada.
  • 2. Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut
    The boys get snowed in at the hospital while waiting to learn the identity of Cartman's father. Meanwhile, the townspeople resort to cannibalism when they get snowed in.
  • 3. Chickenlover
    Mr. Barbrady goes back to school after it is discovered that he is illiterate. As he learns to read, a criminal is on the loose molesting all the chickens in South Park.
  • 4. Ike's Wee Wee
    Mr. Mackey is fired from school after losing a marijuana sample in class and winds up becoming a druggie, and Kyle tries to keep his brother Ike from having his bris after he finds out what will take place during the ceremony.
  • 5. Conjoined Fetus Lady
    The people of South Park attempt to raise awareness of the school nurse's disability. Meanwhile, the boys travel to China to compete in a dodge ball championship.
  • 6. The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka
    The kids get revenge on Jimbo and Ned after they fail their report on Vietnam. However, their practical joke sparks a fierce ratings war between “Jesus and Pals” and Jimbo and Ned's hunting program.
  • 7. City on the Edge of Forever
    As their school bus teeters over the edge of a cliff, the boys recall past memories.
  • 8. Summer Sucks
    Summer at South park is not going well: fireworks are banned, and a giant ash snake is ravaging the countryside.
  • 9. Chef's Salty Chocolate Balls
    Hollywood big-shots try to turn South Park into another Sundance. However, they wreak havoc on the town's eco-system, which could cause Mr. Hankey to die.
  • 10. Chickenpox
    The boys get angry and seek revenge when they discover that their parents orchestrated a sleepover at Kenny's house so that they could all get chickenpox.
  • 11. Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods
    The boys investigate a mysterious conspiracy centered around the South Park Planetarium. Meanwhile, Cartman auditions for a TV commercial.
  • 12. Clubhouses
    Stan builds a clubhouse so he can play truth or dare with Wendy. Meanwhile, he deals with his parents' unexpected divorce.
  • 13. Cow Days
    All of South Park's cows become mesmerized by the town's new Wooden Cow Memorial. Meanwhile, the kids' plan to win a Terence and Philip doll from a carney at the Cow Days festival becomes complicated and dangerous.
  • 14. Chef Aid
    The boys organize a music festival to raise money when Chef is sued by a record company.
  • 15. Spookyfish
    Stan thinks his new pet fish is evil after it kills two people in his bedroom. Also, the parallel-universe version of Cartman shows up in South Park, and everyone likes him more than the real Cartman.
  • 16. Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!
    Stan, Kyle and Kenny go to Nebraska to spend Christmas with Eric's family. Meanwhile, Charlie Manson escapes from prison with Eric's uncle, and the boys help teach him the true meaning of Christmas.
  • 17. Gnomes
    A school assignment pairs the boys up with Tweek, a neurotic boy who claims that gnomes are stealing his underwear. Meanwhile, Tweek's father fights against a corporation that is stealing his business.
  • 18. Prehistoric Ice Man
    Kyle and Stan fight over what to name a man they found frozen in ice from 1996. Meanwhile, the government attempts to steal the frozen man.
  • 1. Rainforest Shmainforest
    The gang gets lost in the rain forest after going to Costa Rica with a singing tour.
  • 2. Spontaneous Combustion
    Randy Marsh becomes a national hero after he discovers the reason why South Park residents are spontaneously combusting. Meanwhile, Kyle and Stan have a plan to help Kyle's dad get a res-erection.
  • 3. The Succubus
    The boys try to save Chef from a woman who is stealing him from them. Meanwhile, Cartman gets glasses.
  • 4. Jakovasaurs
    A surviving breed of dinosaur is discovered in South Park, but no one but Cartman can stand them.
  • 5. Tweek vs. Craig
    The boys pit two classmates against each other for entertainment. Meanwhile, Kenny takes a home ec class.
  • 6. Sexual Harassment Panda
    South Park Elementary is nearly bankrupt when Cartman sues Stan for sexual harassment.
  • 7. Cat Orgy
    Cartman deals with an abusive babysitter, her boyfriend and a cat in heat when his mother goes to a party.
  • 8. Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub
    Stan is stuck playing with Butters and Pip at a party. Meanwhile, Randy and Gerald experiment with their sexuality.
  • 9. Jewbilee
    Kenny comes with Kyle to Jewish Camp and almost witnesses the destruction of the Jewish faith.
  • 10. Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery
    The rock band Korn visits South Park during Halloween to solve the mystery of the pirate ghosts that are terrifying the town.
  • 11. Chinpokomon
    The kids (But not Kyle) get hooked on a brainwashing violent cartoon from Japan which turns them against the American government.
  • 12. Hooked on Monkey Fonics
    The boys have a hard time relating to two new students who have been home schooled.
  • 13. Starvin' Marvin in Space
    The government tries to hunt down Starvin' Marvin after he steals an alien spaceship.
  • 14. The Red Badge of Gayness
    A drunken Civil War re-enactment leads to an actual Civil War breaking out.
  • 15. Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics
    Mr. Hankey hosts a collection of Christmas songs sung by South Park characters.
  • 16. Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus
    Stan worries that he is maturing more slowly than his friends. Meanwhile, Jesus feels pressured to perform a miracle at the start of the new millennium.
  • 17. World Wide Recorder Concert
    The boys feud with New Yorkers at a gathering of elementary school kids. Meanwhile, Mr. Garrison confronts his father.
  • 1. The Tooth Fairy's Tats 2000
    The boys enter the world of organized crime when they realize they can make money from the tooth fairy with other children's teeth.
  • 2. Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000
    Cartman is sent to juvenile hall after he throws a rock at a black child.
  • 3. Timmy 2000
    A handicapped boys' arrival in class leads to protest. Meanwhile, the boys are diagnosed with ADD and heavily medicated.
  • 4. Quintuplets 2000
    The Marshes adopt a group of Romanian Quintuplets after they are orphaned in South Park. However, soon the Romanian government demands them back. Meanwhile, Kenny develops a talent for singing.
  • 5. Cartman Joins NAMBLA
    Cartman joins NAMBLA, thinking it will introduce him to more mature friends. Meanwhile, Kenny tries to dispose of his unborn baby brother.
  • 6. Cherokee Hair Tampons
    Kyle needs a kidney transplant, and Cartman is the only suitable donor. Meanwhile, Mr. Garrison writes a novel.
  • 7. Chef Goes Nanners
    Chef protests the racist South Park flag.
  • 8. Something You Can Do with Your Finger
    Randy is outraged when Stan and the other boys start a boy band.
  • 9. Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?
    The boys become obsessed with religion after a sermon about hell scares them. Meanwhile, Saddam returns to Hell and tries to dispose of Satan's new boyfriend.
  • 10. Probably
    Cartman becomes an evangelical preacher when the boys break off from their church. Meanwhile, the feud between Saddam and Chris continues.
  • 11. 4th Grade
    The boys deal with a strict new teacher and experiment with time travel as Mr. Garrison comes to terms with his sexuality.
  • 12. Trapper Keeper
    Cartman's new trapper keeper threatens to assimilate the town unless Kyle and a robot from the future can stop it.
  • 13. Helen Keller! The Musical
    Cartman goes overboard directing a Thanksgiving production of “The Miracle Worker.” Meanwhile, Timmy develops a bond with a runt turkey named Gobbles.
  • 14. Pip
    Pip attends boarding school in an adaptation of “Great Expectations.”
  • 15. Fat Camp
    Cartman is outraged when he is sent to fat camp by his mother. Meanwhile, Kenny becomes famous for a “Jackass” style TV show.
  • 16. The Wacky Molestation Adventure
    The boys tell the police that their parents molest them and soon there are no adults left in South Park. However, without authority figures, society crumbles.
  • 17. A Very Crappy Christmas
    When everyone in South Park decides to forgo presents and celebrate a non-materialistic holiday season, the boys try to bring the spirit of commercialism back to Christmas by making an animated film.
  • 1. It Hits the Fan
    Society is almost destroyed when a popular television show uses the word “shit” on the air.
  • 2. Cripple Fight
    The boys fight to get Big Gay Al reinstated as their scout leader, and Timmy is jealous of the new handicapped kid in town, Jimmy.
  • 3. Super Best Friends
    Stan enlists the help of an elite team of religious leaders including Jesus and Mohammed to help him rescue Kyle from a cult.
  • 4. Scott Tenorman Must Die
    Cartman plans an elaborate revenge when an older boy cons him out of money.
  • 5. Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow
    The boys attempt to reunite their idols Terrance & Philip after the Canadian duo has a falling out. Meanwhile, South Park falls under the control of environmentalists.
  • 6. Cartmanland
    Cartman inherits a large sum of money and uses it to purchase his own amusement park. His resulting success causes Kyle to lose faith in God.
  • 7. Proper Condom Use
    Improper sex ed classes lead to the boys declaring war on the girls.
  • 8. Towelie
    The boys try to rescue their new video game system from the hands of a government agency with the help of a talking towel named Towelie.
  • 9. Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants
    The boys come face to face with Osama Bin Laden after they are mistakenly shipped to Afghanistan.
  • 10. How to Eat with Your Butt
    Cartman puts a picture of Kenny's butt on a milk carton as a prank, but is disturbed when a couple arrives in South Park claiming it was a picture of their missing son.
  • 11. The Entity
    Kyle's cousin Kyle, a negative Jewish stereotype, comes to town to visit. Meanwhile, Mr. Garrison comes up with an only-slightly more pleasant alternative to airline travel.
  • 12. Here Comes the Neighborhood
    A class war ensues in South Park when it becomes a hot spot for rich celebrities. Meanwhile, Token feels rejected by his friends and goes to live with lions.
  • 13. Kenny Dies
    The boys cope with loss when Kenny is hospitalized with a terminal illness. Cartman attempts to save him by legalizing stem cell research.
  • 14. Butters' Very Own Episode
    Butters' mother snaps and tries to kill her son after the revelation that her husband frequents gay bath houses.
  • 1. Jared Has Aides
    The boys try to fatten up Butters and then liposuction him so they can get a marketing deal at a local restaurant. Meanwhile, Jared from the Subway commercials causes a controversy when he reveals that he lost weight with the help of aides.
  • 2. Asspen
    The kids and their families take a vacation together in Aspen. However, the parents get stuck in an endless timeshare presentation, and Stan is forced into a showdown with a cocky skier.
  • 3. Freak Strike
    The boys disguise Butters as a mutant to win prizes on The Maury Povich show. They become upset when Butters' prize is a round of putt-putt golf, and so Cartman goes on the show as an out of control teen. The mutant freaks who make a career of visiting TV talk shows go on strike, taking Butters with them.
  • 4. Fun with Veal
    Stan leads the boys in kidnapping all the baby cows from a local ranch after a first hand look at how veal is made turns him into a vegetarian.
  • 5. The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer
    The boys have to sit through an episode of “Fightin' Round The World” with Russell Crowe so they can see a preview for the new movie starring Terrence & Philip. However, bad luck forces them to race across town searching for a working TV.
  • 6. Professor Chaos
    After being shunned by his friends, Butters develops a villainous alter ego and sets out to wreak havoc on the town. Meanwhile, the boys search for a new friend.
  • 7. The Simpsons Already Did It
    Professor Chaos struggles to find an evil scheme that hasn't already been done on “The Simpsons.” Meanwhile, Cartman accidentally creates life in his aquarium.
  • 8. Red Hot Catholic Love
    Father Maxi travels to the Vatican to confront the growing problem of priests molesting children. Meanwhile, Cartman discovers that it is possible to crap out of your mouth.
  • 9. Free Hat
    The boys start a group to stop a maniacal Steven Spielberg from altering “Raiders of the Lost Ark” while also catering to a group who demand a trailer-trash toddler murderer be freed.
  • 10. Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society
    Bebe's breasts begin to develop, and the boys are at a loss to explain why they are suddenly drawn to her, when they had no interest in her before.
  • 11. Child Abduction Is Not Funny
    Parents in South Park become gripped with fear that their children will be abducted, which leads to them taking more and more extreme measures to ensure their safety, finally culminating in a giant wall being built around the town.
  • 12. A Ladder to Heaven
    The boys try to build a ladder to heaven to retrieve a winning ticket Kenny had before he died. When their efforts are mistaken for an act of childhood innocence, a media circus ensues.
  • 13. The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers
    Randy and Sharon realize too late that the box they have sent with the boys contains a porno rather than a copy of “The Lord Of The Rings.” As the parents race to stop them in time, the boys realize the tape they have has a strange power over people.
  • 14. The Death Camp of Tolerance
    Mr. Garrison does what he can to get fired for being gay so he can sue the school for millions of dollars. This turns out to be easier said than done because the parents and school staff feel they have to be tolerant no matter what.
  • 15. The Biggest Douche in the Universe
    Stan tries to disprove psychic John Edward after a reading messes with Kyle's mind. Meanwhile, Cartman and Chef travel to Scotland to exorcise Kenny from Cartman's body.
  • 16. My Future Self n' Me
    A freak electric storm causes Stan's future self to return to the present. Stan's future self is an unemployed drug addict, but Stan suspects that it is a hoax.
  • 17. Red Sleigh Down
    When an attempt to bring Christmas to Iraq turns disastrous, the boys head to Iraq with Jesus and Mr. Hankey to save Santa from terrorists.
  • 1. Cancelled
    Chef and the children learn that Earth is actually just a reality show for other planets. When they learn it is to be canceled, the boys travel to a distant planet to plead their case to the network executives.
  • 2. Krazy Kripples
    Jimmy and Timmy form a club for people who were handicapped from birth. They call it the Crips, and soon find themselves caught up in gang warfare with the real Crips in Denver. Meanwhile, Christopher Reeve does battle with Gene Hackman over stem cell research.
  • 3. Toilet Paper
    The boys toilet paper their art teacher's house to get revenge for a bad grade. When Kyle's guilty conscience makes him want to confess, Cartman makes an attempt on his life.
  • 4. I'm a Little Bit Country
    The town is divided down the middle on the Iraq war issue. Therefore, Cartman tries to induce a flashback so that he can find out what the Founding Fathers would have to say about the war.
  • 5. Fat Butt and Pancake Head
    Cartman makes a Jennifer Lopez hand doll and turns her into a music star, which draws the furious anger of the real Jennifer Lopez as well as the sexual advances of Ben Affleck.
  • 6. Lil' Crime Stoppers
    After the boys start a Jr. Detective's Club and find a girl's missing doll, they are recruited by the county police department. Their first assignment: to break up a meth lab.
  • 7. Red Man's Greed
    South Park residents are forced out of their homes when an Indian casino takes their land.
  • 8. South Park Is Gay
    Kyle, Mr. Garrison and Mr. Slave travel to New York City to bring an end to the latest “metrosexual” fad, and discover that it's actually part of a crab-people conspiracy to take over the planet.
  • 9. Christian Rock Hard
    Cartman, Butters and Token become Christian rock stars so that Cartman can win his bet with Kyle. Meanwhile, Kyle, Stan and Kenny learn the sad consequences of illegally downloading music from the Internet.
  • 10. Grey Dawn
    South Park takes all of the driver's licenses away from its senior citizens, and the AARP responds by launching an armed invasion of the town to defend their rights.
  • 11. Casa Bonita
    When Butters is invited to Kyle's birthday party instead of Cartman, Cartman kidnaps Butters and locks him in a bomb shelter.
  • 12. All About Mormons
    Stan learns about the Mormon religion after a new family moves to South Park from Utah. Caught up in the family-friendly doctrine of the church, Randy declares the Marshes to be Mormon as well.
  • 13. Butt Out
    Rob Reiner comes to town to lead an anti tobacco crusade after the boys briefly take up smoking.
  • 14. Raisins
    Stan becomes inconsolable after Wendy breaks up with him, and Butters has a crush on a sexy waitress at a local restaurant.
  • 15. It's Christmas in Canada
    The boys go to Canada to retrieve Ike, after his birth parents show up in South Park and claim him as their own.
  • 1. Good Times with Weapons
    The boys lie to get ninja weapons from the fair, but must decide whether or not to tell their parents when Butters is injured with a throwing star.
  • 2. Up the Down Steroid
    Jimmy begins using steroids to improve his chances in the special Olympics. Meanwhile, Cartman disguises himself as a handicapped boy so he can enter as well and win the cash prize.
  • 3. The Passion of the Jew
    Cartman leads a campaign against the Jews after seeing “The Passion Of The Christ.” Meanwhile, Stan and Kenny try to get their money back from Mel Gibson and discover that he is completely insane.
  • 4. You Got F'd in the A
    A gang of kids from the O.C. challenge Stan do a dance-off. But before the big event, Butters must confront a painful event from his past.
  • 5. AWESOM-O
    Cartman dresses up as a robot from Japan, sent to Butters. He tricks him into believing it and can't give away his identity because he finds out Butters has a video of him dancing to Britney Spears and kissing a Justin Timberlake picture! It gets even more out of hand as the military decide to try to capture ‘the robot’ to make it a weapon.
  • 6. The Jeffersons
    Michael Jackson moves to South Park but tries to conceal his identity. and local cops try to frame him because he is a rich black man.
  • 7. Goobacks
    When people from a poverty-stricken future travel back in time to find work, South Park residents accuse them of taking their jobs.
  • 8. Douche and Turd
    Stan refuses to vote in the school mascot election because his choices are a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Unfortunately, his views on voting are seen as un-American, and he is ultimately banished from the town.
  • 9. Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes
    When a Wall-Mart built in South Park takes business away from local businesses, the boys go to the company's headquarters to get it destroyed.
  • 10. Pre-School
    A bully who was sent to juvenile hall in a misunderstanding is released, and comes looking for revenge.
  • 11. Quest for Ratings
    The boys begin to exaggerate stories when their student news show falls behind in the ratings.
  • 12. Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
    Mr. Slave fights against Paris Hilton when she becomes a bad influence on the girls in South Park. Meanwhile, Paris offers Butters' parents a huge amount of money if she can keep Butters as a pet.
  • 13. Cartman's Incredible Gift
    Cartman mistakenly believes he is a psychic, and is recruited by the police to help them with investigations.
  • 14. Woodland Critter Christmas
    Stan helps a group of woodland critters by killing a mountain lion, only to discover that he's helping them give birth to the Antichrist.
  • 1. Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina
    After Mr. Garrison gets an operation and becomes a woman, Kyle decides he wants to be black and Gerald decides he wants to be a dolphin.
  • 2. Die Hippie, Die
    Cartman leads the resistance when a mass of hippies accumulates in South Park and starts a music festival.
  • 3. Wing
    The boys start a talent agency and represent a woman named Wing in Hollywood.
  • 4. Best Friends Forever
    Can Cartman and Kenny stay as “Best Friends Forever”, even when Kenny buys the last PSP in stock? A 2005 Emmy Award Winner for Outstanding Animated Program (in Less Than One Hour)!
  • 5. The Losing Edge
    The boys enlist Kyle's cousin to help them lose in baseball so they won't have to go to the finals. Meanwhile, Randy trains to fight other parents during Stan's games.
  • 6. The Death of Eric Cartman
    When the boys decide to ignore Cartman, he assumes that he is dead, and enlists Butters to help him make up for his past sins.
  • 7. Erection Day
    Jimmy gets his first erection just days before the school talent show.
  • 8. Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow
    When a dam breaks and floods a nearby town, South Park residents assume it was caused by global warming and barricade themselves in the community center.
  • 9. Marjorine
    Butters fake his own death and disguises himself as a girl so he can infiltrate a sleepover and steal a fortune telling device from the girls. Meanwhile, Butters' father turns to the occult to bring back his son.
  • 10. Follow That Egg
    Mrs. Garrison leads the fight against gay marriage when she learns her ex is getting married. Meanwhile, Stan becomes jealous when Kyle and Wendy are paired up for a school project.
  • 11. Ginger Kids
    Cartman leads a vendetta against kids with red hair and freckles, until a prank makes him think he is one of them.
  • 12. Trapped in the Closet
    After Stan scores a remarkably high “Thetan Level” at a Scientology center, he is considered to be the reincarnation of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. John Travolta, Tom Cruise and other Scientologists go to South Park to convince Stan to be their leader, but when Stan makes disparaging remarks about Cruise's acting, the movie star locks himself inside a bedroom closet. R&B singer R. Kelly is recruited to get Tom Cruise to come out of the closet, but eventually Kelly, as well as Travolta, find themselves all trapped in the closet.
  • 13. Free Willzyx
    When a prank convinces the boys that a whale in a local aquarium is an alien from the moon, they go to extreme measures to sent it home.
  • 14. Bloody Mary
    Randy is forced to go to AA meetings, where he becomes convinced that he has a disease. Desperate, he and Stan go on a pilgrimage to a statue of the virgin Mary that is miraculously bleeding from its ass.
  • 1. The Return of Chef
    Chef returns to town after joining a group called The Super Adventure Club. However, when he begins to express an interest in molesting children, the boys suspect that the club has brainwashed him.
  • 2. Smug Alert!
    Stan convinces everyone in South Park to drive Hybrid cars after Kyle moves to San Francisco. However, soon a dangerous cloud of “smug” forms over South Park.
  • 3. Cartoon Wars: Part 1
    Cartman begins a one-man crusade to get “Family Guy” taken off the air after it shows an image of Mohammed. But his real motive is not that it's offensive to Muslims–it's because the show's not funny.
  • 4. Cartoon Wars: Part 2
    Cartman finds an unlikely ally in his quest to get “Family Guy” off the air: Bart Simpson. He also discovers Fox's surprising secret about the show's writers.
  • 5. A Million Little Fibers
    Towelie's autobiography, “A Million Little Fibers”, becomes Oprah Winfrey's official Book of the Month selection and a bestseller… but for how long?
  • 6. ManBearPig
    A lonely and attention-desperate Al Gore comes to South Park Elementary to explain the dangers of the biggest threat to the planet: Manbearpig. Although the kids believe Gore uses Manbearpig as a way of gaining attention, they decide to help him capture the creature…with disastrous results.
  • 7. Tsst
    Eric's mom turns to a “dog whisperer” as a last resort to turn him to a good little boy. The whisperer is successful in making Eric calm and submissive, but he may have also turned him into a repressed killer.
  • 8. Make Love, Not Warcraft
    The kids work around the clock to improve their character skills in “World of Warcraft” so that they can beat a fellow gamer who keeps violating the rules and killing everyone else's characters.
  • 9. Mystery of the Urinal Deuce
    Kyle sets out to prove that 9/11 wasn't a government conspiracy, and actually uncovers a government conspiracy to create a conspiracy.
  • 10. Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy
    Kyle discovers that his brother Ike is having a sexual relationship with his kindergarten teacher. The police are reluctant to help, so Kyle is forced to turn to the new school hall monitor for help: Eric “Dawg” Cartman.
  • 11. Hell on Earth 2006
    Satan returns to Earth to throw a huge members-only Holloween party in Los Angeles, and the boys keep summoning the ghost of Biggie Smalls–which means that he's going to miss the party.
  • 12. Go God Go
    Cartman tries to cryogenically freeze himself so that he doesn't have to wait for the new Nintendo machine, and Ms. Garrison falls for the new Evolution teacher and becomes an Atheist.
  • 13. Go God Go XII
    Cartman is stuck in the future, in the middle of an international civil war between rival Atheist factions. And he STILL can't play Nintendo Wii.
  • 14. Stanley's Cup
    Stan Marsh has hit rock bottom. He's got no job, no bicycle and his only way out of a bad situation, is to coach the local pee wee hockey team. Once a hotshot pee wee hockey player himself, Stan Marsh has tried to put those days behind him. But he's still living with the memory of how let his team down when he missed the winning shot in the big game. Now, he's about to find out that being a coach means facing your past. He's determined to show his kids what it's like to be a winner!
  • 1. With Apologies to Jesse Jackson
    Stan becomes a social outcast after his father Randy says “the N-Word” on national television, but Michael Richards and Mark Furhman come to Randy's rescue.
  • 2. Cartman Sucks
    Cartman takes a photo with Butters's penis in his mouth to prove Butters is gay. He later finds out what the picture really means and freaks out when the photo disappears. Meanwhile, Butters to has to go to a special camp to calm his urges.
  • 3. Lice Capades
    A lice outbreak hits Ms. Garrison's class, and at least one parasite is determined to survive after his lice civilization is destroyed.
  • 4. The Snuke
    While trying to find a way to persecute the new Arab kid in his class, Cartman accidentally uncovers an unrelated plot to assassinate Hillary Clinton at a South Park political rally.
  • 5. Fantastic Easter Special
    In a parody of “The daVinci Code,” Stan discovers the real reason behind Easter, decorating eggs, and the Easter Bunny.
  • 6. D-Yikes!
    Ms. Garrison's latest date goes so badly that she assigns the class the book report over the weekend, but the boys hire immigrant labor to write it. Meanwhile, Ms. Garrison becomes a lesbian and saves the women's bar from a Persian takeover.
  • 7. Night of the Living Homeless
    One day after Kyle gives $20 to a homeless person, South Park becomes overrun with panhandlers.
  • 8. Le Petit Tourette
    Cartman fakes having Tourette's syndrome so he can say whatever he wants without getting in trouble.
  • 9. More Crap
    Randy Marsh sets the world record for the biggest bowel movement, until Bono comes along and challenges it.
  • 10. Imaginationland
    Cartman takes Kyle to court because he refuses to follow through with his promise to suck Cartman's balls if they see a Leprechaun. Meanwhile, Muslim extremists attack “Imaginationland,” and the government plans a counter-attack.
  • 11. Imaginationland: Episode II
    With the help of Stan, Kyle, and Kurt Russell, the military is able to access the portal to Imaginationland. Meanwhile, Cartman is determined to make sure that Kyle follows through with his court-mandated sentence.
  • 12. Imaginationland: Episode III
    All hope appears to be lost for Imaginationland, until it is discovered that Butters has the power to lead them to victory. And will Cartman ever get Kyle to suck his balls?
  • 13. Guitar Queer-o
    Stan and Kyle become local celebrities after they score 100,000 points on the video game “Guitar Hero.” A talent agent signs them to a contract, which ends up ruining their friendship.
  • 14. The List
    The girls in the fourth grade class have made a secret list that rates every boy's looks from cutest to ugliest. When the boys steal the list, they are completely unprepared to deal with the results.
  • 1. Tonsil Trouble
    After Cartman and Kyle are infected with the AIDS virus, they turn to Magic Johnson for assistance in finding a cure.
  • 2. Britney's New Look
    Distraught over the media's nonstop coverage of her, Britney Spears attempts to commit suicide, but survives despite blowing the top half of her head off. Disgusted by this treatment of her, the boys attempt to help, only to learn the secret behind the media's cruel scrutiny of celebrities.
  • 3. Major BoobageHeavy Metal
    South Park declares cats illegal after kids start getting high on cat urine. Cartman starts hiding neighborhood cats in his attic to protect them, and Kenny becomes an addict and starts having <a href=“/title/tt0082509/”>Heavy Metal</a> hallucinations.
  • 4. Canada on Strike
    Canada goes on strike and demands more money, but nobody takes the strike seriously. However, the boys try to make money for Canada by turning Butters into an Internet video star.
  • 5. Eek, a Penis!
    Cartman is commended for his excellent substitute teaching, so he his brought to the inner city to help the high schoolers. Meanwhile, Ms. Garrison wants to be Mr. Garrison again.
  • 6. Over Logging
    A prolonged Internet service outage hits South Park and most of the rest of the country, and Randy moves the Marsh family to California hoping to find a connection (and Internet porn for himself).
  • 7. Super Fun Time
    A class field trip to a frontier park turns into a hostage situation when a group of robbers use the park to evade the police, but the park employees won't help resolve the situation because they won't get out of character.
  • 8. The China Probrem
    Cartman and Butters go to P.F. Chang's to try to uncover the Chinese conspiracy to take over the U.S.. Stan and Kyle accuse Steven Spielberg and George Lucas of raping Indiana Jones
  • 9. Breast Cancer Show Ever
    Cartman makes fun of Wendy after she delivers a report on breast cancer. She challenges him to a fight, but he keeps finding ways to get out of it. But he also won't stop making fun of her.
  • 10. Pandemic
    With Craig's help, the boys start up a Peruvian pan flute band to make money. However, they are detained by Homeland Security and sent to Peru to end the “Pandemic.” In the pan flute bands' absence, giant guinea pigs invade South Park.
  • 11. Pandemic 2: The Startling
    Craig and the boys are stranded in the Andes Mountains while giant guinea pigs wreak havoc all over the planet. Craig is the only person who can end the terror, but he doesn't care and won't do anything about it.
  • 12. About Last Night...
    While the rest of the nation is distracted by the results of the presidential election, Barack Obama and John McCain set out to complete their true combined objective: a daring “Ocean's Eleven” style jewel heist.
  • 13. Elementary School Musical
    The boys try to resist the “High School Musical” fad when it hits South Park Elementary, while also trying to convince the school's top singer that he should follow his dream and try out for the basketball team.
  • 14. The Ungroundable
    Butters starts hanging out with the Vampire kids, who are angering the Goth kids at South Park Elementary because everybody is confusing the Vampire kids with them.
  • 1. The Ring
    The boys discover that the Jonas Brothers' purity ring campaign is just part of Disney's plot to get away with marketing sex to pre-teen girls.
  • 2. The Coon
    Cartman tries to become a superhero, only to have another fourth grader steal his thunder by becoming one too and becoming more popular.
  • 3. Margaritaville
    In a parody of the final weeks of Christ's life, South Park goes into hysterics over the failing economy, but Kyle begins preaching that there is no reason for fear. Meanwhile, Stan unsuccessfully tries to return his dad's margarita machine.
  • 4. Eat, Pray, Queef
    The fart-loving males of South Park try to ban vaginal flatulence in Colorado after “Terrance & Phillip” is replaced by “The Queef Sisters”.
  • 5. Fishsticks
    Jimmy comes up with the perfect joke, but Cartman wants to take half the credit for it. However, Kanye West doesn't get the joke, and vows revenge on the person who came up with it.
  • 6. Pinewood Derby
    Randy and Stan accidentally reach warp speed when Randy illegally soups up Stan's Pinewood Derby racer, which prompts a visit by an alien gangster and the space police trying to track him down.
  • 7. Fatbeard
    Cartman leads a group of schoolmates to Somalia to become pirates.
  • 8. Dead Celebrities
    Ike begins to see the ghosts of celebrities who died during the summer of 2009 and later becomes possessed by the ghost of Michael Jackson.
  • 9. Butters' Bottom Bitch
    Butters starts his own pimping business, while a local police officer takes his undercover prostitution sting a little too far.
  • 10. W.T.F.
    The boys form their own wrestling federation, but seem to be more concerned with theatrics and storylines than the actual sport.
  • 11. Whale Whores
    Stan is upset about the Japanese killing whales and dolphins, so he takes command of the Sea Shepherd on the “Whale Wars” reality show and does something about it.
  • 12. The F Word
    The boys try to get the meaning of the word “fag” changed from homosexual to motorcycle riders.
  • 13. Dances with Smurfs
    Cartman takes over the morning school announcements and turns it into a personal soapbox against school president Wendy Testaburger.
  • 14. Pee
    When the pee levels reach a critical stage at a local water park, chaos and disaster ensue. However, after the disaster, Cartman remains obsessed with the number of minorities who are “taking over” the park.
  • 1. Sexual Healing
    After Tiger Woods comes clean, America becomes obsessed with the “epidemic” of rich men having sex with lots of women. As a result, Kyle and Butters are labeled as sex addicts and are placed in treatment.
  • 2. The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs
    The boys try to write the most graphic, offensive book ever, and then blame Butters when Stan's mom finds it. But when the book is hailed as a work of literary genius, Butters becomes the “voice of a generation.”
  • 3. Medicinal Fried Chicken
    Randy deliberately gets testicular cancer so that he can receive a medicinal marijuana prescription, while Cartman becomes a black market KFC dealer when all of the restaurants are shut down for being unhealthy.
  • 4. You Have 0 Friends
    After being forced to create a FaceBook account, Stan finds himself in the middle of a fad that has gone way too far.
  • 5. 200
    Tom Cruise gathers other celebrities mocked by South Park and threatens a class action lawsuit unless the town brings Mohammed to them, so that they can obtain his powers not to be ridiculed.
  • 6. 201
    As the celebrities and the gingers battle over who gets possession of Mohammed, the Super Best Friends come to Mohammed's rescue. Meanwhile, Cartman may finally discover the “real” truth about the identity of his father.
  • 7. Crippled Summer
    The boys stage an intervention for Towelie after he falls off the wagon while working at Timmy and Jimmy's summer camp. At the camp, a jealous camper resorts to dirty tricks to beat Jimmy in a series of competitions.
  • 8. Poor and Stupid
  • 9. It's a Jersey Thing
    South Park tries to keep New Jersey from spreading to their town, and they are forced to turn to some of their enemies for help.
  • 10. Insheeption
    Stan and Mr. Mackey suffer a hoarding disorder. In an attempt to find the cause for it, they get trapped in Mr. Mackey's dream.
  • 11. Coon 2: Hindsight
    A new superhero named “Captain Hindsight” emerges to help with a new BP oil spill, and The Coon tries to make sure that he joins his union of superheroes.
  • 12. Mysterion Rises
    Mysterion assumes control of South Park's superhero alliance after The Coon is kicked out. Meanwhile, The Coon plots his plan for revenge by conspiring with the enemy, and where is Captain Hindsight when the world needs him?
  • 13. Coon vs. Coon and Friends
    Cartman and Cthulhu get their revenge on Coon and Friends, while Mysterion continues to try and discover the secret behind his superpower of never being able to die.
  • 14. Crème Fraiche
    Randy becomes addicted to the Food Network, and Sharon tries to compensate for his lack of attention by turning to the Shape Weight.
    After Kyle clicks on the latest iTunes user agreement without reading it, Steve Jobs forces him to be an unwilling participant in his latest project. Meanwhile, Cartman equates his mom not giving him an iPad to sexual abuse.
  • 2. Funnybot
    After Jimmy declares that the Germans are the least funny people in the world in his comedy awards show, they retaliate by creating “Funnybot” an automated comedian who is so funny that it puts all other comedians out of work.
  • 3. Royal Pudding
    During the televised Canadian royal wedding, the bride-to-be is kidnapped by an unknown entity. After a call to arms is issued to Canadians, Ike travels to Canada, abandoning his role in Mr. Mackey's kindergarten play about dental hygiene.
  • 4. T.M.I.
  • 5. Crack Baby Athletic Association
  • 6. City Sushi
    A new Sushi shop moves into South Park and an Asian turf war is ignited between the “Japanese” owner of City Sushi and the “Chinese” owner of City Wok.
  • 7. You're Getting Old
  • 8. Ass Burgers
    Stan is diagnosed with Asperger's but soon realizes that the disease isn't real. Meanwhile, Cartman creates a disgusting overnight food sensation.
  • 9. The Last of the Meheecans
  • 10. Bass to Mouth
  • 11. Broadway Bro Down
  • 12. 1%
  • 13. A History Channel Thanksgiving
  • 14. The Poor Kid
  • 1. Reverse Cowgirl
    An unspeakable tragedy occurs when one of the boys leaves the toilet seat up after he uses the bathroom.
  • 2. Cash for Gold
    Cartman launches a gemstones network show and creates a very lucrative business. Stan searches for the real value of a piece of jewelry that was a gift from his Grandpa. Meanwhile, Cartmans lucrative new business preys upon an extremely vulnerable clientele.
  • 3. Faith Hilling
    A new memetic trend emerges called “Faith Hilling”, a derivative of “Bradying”, which involves having a picture of oneself taken while pulling the front of one's shirt forward in mock resemblance of women's breasts. After the boys perform this prank on stage at a 2012 Colorado Republican Presidential Debate, the entire fourth grade class of South Park Elementary is required to take a safety education class in which Professor Lamont teaches them the dangers of memetic trends with a graphic educational video showing people dying gruesome deaths when they are hit by …
  • 4. Jewpacabra
  • 5. Butterballs
    As bullying at South Park Elementary becomes more severe, the kids take action against it after seeing Butters beaten up, but Butters has a secret about his tormentor.
  • 6. I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining
  • 7. Cartman Finds Love
  • 8. Sarcastaball
  • 9. Raising the Bar
  • 10. Insecurity
  • 11. Going Native
  • 12. A Nightmare on Facetime
  • 13. A Scause for Applause
  • 14. Obama Wins!
  • 1. Let Go, Let Gov
  • 2. Informative Murder Porn
    The children of South Park find out their parents are watching disturbingly violent television shows about sex, murder, and betrayal, otherwise nicknamed “Murder porn” (real life crime dramas), and once a husband is arrested for killing his wife they make take matters into their own hands by using parental blocks on their TV sets to block the murder porn. In order to break the block, the parents must learn to play Minecraft.
  • 3. World War Zimmerman
  • 4. Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers
    The goth kids become worried after one of their members, Henrietta, returns from a camp intended to cure her goth, emo. But there is more going on than meets the eye.
  • 5. Taming Strange
    Ike is going through Canadian puberty and it puts a strain of his and Kyle's friendship. The school installs a computer system hooked up to a website called IntelliLink.
  • 6. Ginger Cow
    After Cartman pulls a silly prank where he puts a red wig and red spots on a cow, saying it's a “ginger cow”, the middle east experiences peace but comes with a price for Kyle.
  • 7. Black Friday
    The children of South Park form two battling contingents to get a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One during a Black Friday sale. Meanwhile, Randy takes a temp job as a security guard at the mall in order to make a little extra holiday money.
  • 8. A Song of Ass and Fire
    The battle for which gaming console will dominate, PlayStation 4 or Xbox, builds, with both sides of kids and the companies of each game system, vying for the win.
  • 9. Episode #17.9
    Cartman reveals the secret weapon to the console war: The Master Chief.
  • 10. The Hobbit
    After Butters turns down a fat girl that asks him out, Wendy is upset over Butters' crush on Kim Kardashian because she says Kim is actually a short fat Hobbit who uses Photoshop to make herself look more attractive. But events turn against Wendy.
  • 1. Go Fund Yourself
    The boys use Kickstarter to fund themselves so they can sit on their butts and do absolutely nothing, but when Eric uses the name Washington Redskins, the owner of the Redskins is determined to stop him.
  • 2. Gluten Free Ebola
    Mr.Mackey is now gluten free and everyone is annoyed when he won't quit preaching about how great he feels.
  • 3. The Cissy
    Randy is harboring a giant secret and the pressure is getting to him. Meanwhile, Cartman calls Stan a cissy.
  • 4. Handicar
    Timmy starts a new transportation service to raise money.
  • 5. The Magic Bush
    Cartman and Butters obtain a drone and take it for a spin around the neighborhood.
  • 6. Freemium Isn't Free
    Canada creates and phone app that preys on the addition of the weak, to help make money to build Canada. When Randy discovers Stan has an addition, he intervenes.
  • 7. Grounded Vindaloop
    The boys have bought an Oculus Rift virtual reality headset and don't know who is in the real world or stuck in virtual reality.
  • 8. Episode #18.8
    The boys visit City Wok - but there's something shady going on.
  • 9. #REHASH
    After Ike refuses to play a new game with Kyle, Kyle thinks the new generation of kids is terrible. Cartman becomes part of this new generation. Meanwhile Randy has drama going on with the music industry.
  • 10. Episode #18.10
    Kyle teams up with network heads to make a Christmas special to bring the family together, and the holograms are still on the loose.
  • 1. Stunning and Brave
    Cartman, Stan,and Kyle have to save Kenny from his ex Tammy Warner.
  • 2. Where My Country Gone?
    Garrison decides he wants to build a wall to keep out all the undocumented immigrants.
  • 3. The City Part of Town
    With the town of South Park gentrifying, Kenny decides to get a job at City Wok.
  • 4. You're Not Yelping
    Cartman considers himself the top online restaurant reviewer in South Park.
  • 5. Safe Space
    Cartman is the latest victim of body shaming.
  • 6. Tweek x Craig
    The news of a romantic relationship between Tweek and Craig hits South Park Elementary. Meanwhile, Cartman, who struggles to understand his friends' relationship, finds he has an admirer of his own.
  • 7. Naughty Ninjas
    The ever more PC citizens of South Park decide that they no longer need a police force. As the first American town to get rid of their cops, they plan to celebrate their advanced sensibilities with a PC Carnival.
  • 8. Sponsored Content
    Jimmy is sent to the principal's office for using an inappropriate word in the school paper. His integrity as a newsman runs head on into PC Principals ideology. Will Jimmy be the undoing of PC Principal?
  • 9. Truth and Advertising
    Principal Victoria and Mr. Garrison are back in town trying to stop PC. Meanwhile Jimmy tries to uncover the secret of Leslie.
  • 10. PC Principal Final Justice
    The gentrification of South Park is pricing Randy right out of town. Meanwhile, Kyle's distrust of Stan has broken their friendship and thrown Kyle into a dangerous alliance.
  • 1. Member Berries
    The National Anthem gets a reboot by an American Icon.
  • 2. Skank Hunt
    At South Park Elementary, there is a heavy police presence as Kyle Broflovski walks in. In the school library, Mr. Mackey tries to help the students cope with the loss of their friend on Twitter. He encourages them to tweet about all good times they had with Heidi. At the cafeteria, Stan is suggesting that they need to stop Skankhunt42 immediately.
  • 3. The Damned
  • 4. Wieners Out
  • 5. Douche and a Danish
    Garrison finally crosses the line at his most recent Presidential rally, and the kids get pulled in to the search for the notorious Skankhunt42. Meanwhile, Gerald joins forces with the other trolls to stop Denmark from launching TrollTrace.com.
  • 6. Fort Collins
    The Presidential election is only two weeks away and Garrison is still hiding out in Colorado. Everyone freaks out when an entire city in Colorado gets hacked. Gerald faces ruin if his complete history of internet activity becomes public. Memberberries are afraid for their lives and Cartman starts to realize the future is in jeopardy.
  • 7. Oh, Jeez
    PC Principal tries one more time to make peace between the boys and the girls. Meanwhile Gerald comes face-to-face with the Troll Hunter.
  • 8. Members Only
    The President-elect has some unfinished business with his hometown, and Gerald tries anything to escape the Troll Hunter’s revenge. Meanwhile, Cartman and Heidi make their way to SpaceX to try to get on the first rocket leaving for Mars.
  • 9. Not Funny
    Cartman is certain Heidi can solve the problem of getting them to Mars because she’s really funny. Gerald tries to save himself by reasoning with the Troll Hunter while Garrison explores his new found military power.
  • 10. The End of Serialization as We Know It
    Stan and Kyle run away with Ike, Cartmans' trip to mars lands him on death row, Mr. Garrison and Randy help the trolls destroy a country.
  • 1. White People Renovating Houses
    Randy comes to grips with what it means to be white in today's society.
  • 2. Put It Down
    When Tweek is caught in the middle of a petty conflict, it drives his relationship with Craig to the brink.
  • 3. Holiday Special
    In a return to form, a forbidden love story between a white man and a Native American man unfolds.
  • 4. Franchise Prequel
    Facebook is the ultimate weapon for Professor Chaos.
  • 5. Hummels & Heroin
    Beloved entertainers are being cut down in their prime due to massive overdoses of opiates. Stan is about to be exposed as the source of the illegal drugs.
  • 6. Sons A Witches
    This year at the traditional Halloween get together, a witch casts a spell that terrorizes the town and ruins Halloween for the boys. Cartman sees a way to use the witch’s power to his advantage.
  • 7. Doubling Down
    The peer pressure for Heidi to break up with Cartman increases.
  • 8. Moss Piglets
    Jimmy and Timmy’s experiment could win them first prize in the annual science fair.
  • 9. SUPER HARD PCness
    It’s never been more challenging to be a PC Principal.
  • 10. Splatty Tomato
    The children of South Park claim to have seen Mr. Garrison lurking around town. The townspeople are angry that the President is scaring their children.
  • 1. Dead Kids
    Randy is desperate to help Sharon get her emotions under control and Cartman unexpectedly fails his math test.
  • 2. A Boy and a Priest
    A very special relationship has developed between Butters and the Parish Priest. When the town finds the church doors locked and no sign of the pair, they call in the Catholic Church.
  • 3. The Problem with a Poo
  • 4. Tegrity Farms
    Butters sells vape pens and all kinds of fruity-flavored vape accessories at school; Randy decides he should move the family to the country and take up farming.
  • 5. The Scoots
    This year, a revolution in mobility is changing Halloween for everyone. Chaos erupts as every kid is out to get more candy than they have ever gotten before. Mr. Mackey and the rest of the adults are hording emergency supplies and hoping to survive until morning.
  • 6. Time to Get Cereal
    As it turns out, everyone should have taken Al Gore Cereal. The citizens of South Park have no idea the danger they're in. When dead citizens start popping up all over town, the boys realize they need Al Gore's help. The boys are willing to do almost anything to save the town, and themselves, but it may be just too late.
  • 7. Nobody Got Cereal?
    The boys break out of jail and are on the run from the police and ManBearPig. Satan steps up to help the boys and the rest of the citizens of South Park.
  • 8. Buddah Box
    Cartman has been diagnosed with anxiety. Cartman just can’t deal with people any longer. They get in the way of what’s most important in his life.
  • 9. Unfulfilled
    The citizens of South Park are enjoying all the perks of being a company town when the Amazon Fulfillment Center moves in. Everything is just swell until the contradictions inherent in capitalism threaten to bring down the entire system down.
  • 10. Bike Parade
    The Bike Parade is still on, but the boys' chance of winning is in jeopardy when Kenny resists commercialism in solidarity with the Amazon Fulfillment Center's striking workers.
  • 1. Mexican Joker
    Randy fights against home-grown. Meanwhile, Kyle goes to camp.
  • 2. Band in China
    Randy lands himself in big trouble on a visit to China. Meanwhile, Stan starts a band to work out his frustration over having to move away from South Park.
  • 3. SHOTS!!!
    This week, Randy revels in a Tegridy Farms milestone. Meanwhile, Cartman stands his ground and refuses to get a shot.
  • 4. Let Them Eat Goo
    The citizens of South Park are moving toward a completely plant-based diet. Cartman is pretty sure the new food in the cafeteria gave him a heart attack.
  • 5. Tegridy Farms Halloween Special
    It’s Halloween and Randy is dealing with his daughter’s marijuana problem. Butters gets an unexpected surprise when he visits the Egyptian Artifact exhibit at the Denver Museum.
  • 6. Season Finale
    The Mayor has evidence that Randy blew up his neighbor’s yards in protest over homegrown weed and then blamed it on a Mexican Joker. Now the citizens of South Park have had enough of Randy and Tegridy Farms and they just want to lock him up.
  • 7. Board Girls
    In the season opener, an even stronger woman causes big problems for PC Principal. Cartman, Stan, and the rest of the boys meet their match when some of the girls join their board gamers club.
  • 8. Turd Burglars
    Kyle’s mom looks so good after her fecal transplant that everyone wants to get their hands on her goods. Cartman and the boys jump into the quest for the best microbiome.
  • 9. Basic Cable
    Scott Malkinson’s future with the new girl in his class depends on him getting the latest and greatest streaming platform. Scott’s dad works for the local cable company and refuses to move beyond basic cable.
  • 10. Christmas Snow
    Santa is stealing all the joy from the town's Holiday Season.
  • 1. The Pandemic Special
    Randy comes to terms with his hand in the pandemic as the town learns to cope with this new normal. The children return to school to find out everything is different.
  • 2. South ParQ Vaccination Special
    The citizens of South ParQ are clamoring for the COVID-19 vaccine. A hilarious new militant group tries to stop the boys from getting their teacher vaccinated.
  • 3. Post COVID
    What happened to the children who lived through the Pandemic? Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny survived but will never be the same Post Covid.
  • 4. South Park: Post Covid: The Return of Covid
    Stan Marsh flashes back to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when he, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick and Eric Cartman were sent home from school before they could blackmail fellow student Heather Wiliams in order to attend a Denver Nuggets game; and the events leading to him burning down Tegridy Farms and inadvertently killing his sister Shelly, leading to their mother Sharon's suicide.
  • 1. Pajama Day
    The 4th grade class is banned from wearing their pajamas to school on the most important day of the year.
  • 2. The Big Fix
    Stan’s horrified to realize he’s misinterpreted some of the greatest writing of all time.
  • 3. City People
    Cartman is not happy when his mom gets a new job.
  • 4. Back to the Cold War
    A lot is riding on Butter’s ability to crush the competition in the all-important dressage championship.
  • 5. Help, My Teenager Hates Me!
    The boys find out that the joys of playing Airsoft come with the challenges of dealing with teenagers.
  • 6. Credigree Weed St. Patrick's Day Special
    Butters is shocked to learn that people in South Park don’t understand what St. Patrick’s Day is really about.
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