Un actor envejeciendo, quien tiempo atrás disfruto de fama, haciendo su vida como un entrenador de actuación
1. Chapter 1: An Actor Avoids
As Sandy gets to know a new student better, he puts off visiting an old friend who wants to see him. Norman copes with a difficult issue at home.
2. Chapter 2: An Agent Grieves
Sandy helps Norman organize an event with complicated arrangements and invites Lisa on an unusual date. Norman is a hit with Sandy's class.
3. Chapter 3: A Prostate Enlarges
While Sandy contends with a worsening prostate problem and conflict between his students, Norman deals with his troubled daughter, Phoebe.
4. Chapter 4: A Kegel Squeaks
Sandy and Norman turn to each other for support as Sandy waits for his test results and tension between Norman and Phoebe ramps up.
5. Chapter 5: An Agent Crowns
Norman worries he may have made the wrong decision about Phoebe. Sandy wants to take his relationship with Lisa to the next level.
6. Chapter 6: A Daughter Detoxes
Norman and Sandy drive Phoebe to rehab, then spend the night at a casino. Sandy faces a financial quandary and learns he's angered Lisa.
7. Chapter 7: A String Is Attached
Norman contemplates a financial arrangement with Sandy. Sandy tries to smooth things over with Lisa. Mindy helps her father with his tax situation.
8. Chapter 8: A Widow Approaches
Norman has lunch with a widowed friend of Eileen's. Sandy and Norman attend a Parkinson's fundraiser. Norman is haunted by women from his past.
1. Chapter 9. An Actor Forgets
Sandy has concerns about the man Mindy's dating. Norman starts seeing an old flame. Sandy tries to give his class a dose of truth about the acting life.
2. Chapter 10. An Old Flame, an Old Wick
Norman and Madelyn get closer as they spend time together in Santa Barbara. When Sandy meets Mindy's boyfriend, he discovers they have a lot in common.
3. Chapter 11. An Odd Couple Occurs
Mindy's not thrilled with her dad and boyfriend's growing friendship. Norman's daughter leaves rehab, returning home while Madelyn is visiting.
4. Chapter 12. A Libido Sits in the Fridge
Interactions with two women have Sandy contemplating his changing libido. Norman tries to reconcile with both Phoebe and Madelyn.
5. Chapter 13. A Shenckman Equivocates
Sandy urges Norman to make a grand gesture for Madelyn. After Martin experiences a medical episode, Sandy decides to have a complete checkup.
6. Chapter 14. A Secret Leaks, a Teacher Speaks
Despite Norman's prodding, Sandy remains reluctant to share some important news with Mindy. Norman and Madelyn come to an understanding.
7. Chapter 15. A Hand Job Is Forgiven
An accident forces Sandy to come clean with Mindy. After visiting Eileen's grave, Phoebe tries to make amends with Norman, but it doesn't go well.
8. Chapter 16. A Thetan Arrives
As Norman contemplates retiring, an unexpected visitor has him considering his spiritual life. Sandy dislikes changes Mindy is making at the studio.
1. Chapter 17. In All the Old Familiar Places
After Norman passes away, his loved ones share some uncomfortable memories at his funeral, and Sandy reminisces about their long friendship.
2. Chapter 18. You Only Give Me Your Funny Paper
Sandy receives both a surprise inheritance and a giant headache as executor of Norman's estate. Mindy begins seeing Martin in a new light.
3. Episode 3
Angry about Sandy's constraints on their money, Phoebe, Robbie, Mindy — and Mindy's mom, Roz — confront him. Sandy and Martin have a falling out.
4. Chapter 20. The Round Toes, of the High Shoes
A famous actor comes to Sandy's class and creates a stir. Sandy and Roz find themselves getting along. An unexpected offer materializes for Sandy.
5. Chapter 21. Near, Far, Wherever You Are
Phoebe and Robbie continue to try to persuade Sandy to release more of their inheritance money. Sandy begins working on a new acting role.
6. Chapter 22. The Fundamental Things Apply
Everyone gathers for a heartfelt wedding. And as time moves forward, schemes fall apart and dreams come true.
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