There is no such thing as an ordinary interaction in this offbeat sketch comedy series that features a deep roster of guest stars.
1. Has This Ever Happened to You?
An awkward exit at a job interview. A very specific legal problem. Things get ugly at the “Baby of the Year” contest. A gift receipt causes stress.
2. Thanks for Thinking They Are Cool
A nifty new tug-friendly t-shirt. The smart way to ditch your toupee. A prank doesn't go so well. An airline passenger gets aggressively creepy.
3. It's the Cigars You Smoke That Are Gonna Give You Cancer
A magic show opens up a marital rift. Interesting idea at a car design brainstorm. A fill-in organist at a funeral. A very esoteric charades player.
4. Oh Crap, A Bunch More Bad Stuff Just Happened
A service dog gets super friendsly. Ebenezer Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Way-Future. A man takes a bumper sticker way too literally.
5. I'm Wearing One of Their Belts Right Now
A hot dog-shaped car crash. A co-worker latches on to an expression. Music studio riffing goes awry. An excuse for tardiness spirals out of control
6. We Used to Watch This At My Old Work
A solution to equine-related emasculation. A problematic game show mascot. Baby shower planning gets heated. A weird place to hold an intervention
1. They said that to me at a dinner.
An unplanned meeting leads to lunchtime chaos. A prank show goes awry at the mall. The “Little Buff Boys” competition. A ghost tour guest goes too far.
2. They have a cake shop there Susan where the cakes just look stunning.
An office dispute over shirt patterns. A little lie about the ice cream store escalates quickly. A man suspects a baby is aware of his checkered past.
3. You sure about that? You sure about that that's why?
A professor really regrets his dinner order. The Carber hot dog vacuum. “Detective Crashmore.” A hat has its day in court.
4. Everyone just needs to be more in the moment.
An offhanded joke leaves a husband guilt-ridden. An attempt to ease tensions during a trip backfires. A pants-centric website with a specific purpose.
5. Didn't you say there was gonna be five people at this table?
A novice driver in a parking lot. Defying the rules of credit card roulette. Celebrity impersonators get unruly. Date night at a cosmos-themed bar.
6. I need a wet paper towel.
A mistaken identity at work. The new “Tammy Craps” doll. Some interesting instructional videos during a Driver's Ed class and an attempted ear-piercing.
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