• calificación: 7,90
  • año de publicación: 2019
  • Géneros : Thriller
  • Países: United Kingdom
  • Duración: 56 minutos

Gold Digger cuenta la historia de Julia la adinerada de 60 años cuando se enamora de Benjamin, un hombre de 25 años menor. Seis partes de una serie progresa el impacto de su poco convencional relación tiene un efecto en su familia secretos del pasado son revelados. Podrá Julia por fin haber encontrado la felicidad que ha merecido? O es Benajim un buen cavador de oro como se piensa de él?

  • 1. Her Boy
    Julia and Benjamin meet by chance and start dating. When Julia introduces him to her grown-up children, they question if Benjamin’s intentions are financially motivated.
  • 2. Her Daughter
    Julia realises she's in love with Benjamin. Patrick and Della, who are suspicious of Benjamin, follow him and catch him in a compromising situation. Is he really who he seems?
  • 3. Her Rival
    When Julia's children accuse Benjamin of infidelity it threatens to split them up. But their relationship grows stronger as they move in together and Benjamin proposes.
  • 4. Her Husband
    When Julia tells Ted about her engagement to Benjamin it causes unexpected consequences. Meanwhile Patrick entreats Julia to get Benjamin to sign a pre-nup to protect her wealth.
  • 5. Her Baby
    When Benjamin's half-brother turns up, Julia goes on a quest to find out what Benjamin's hiding. When she discovers his secret, will she still marry him?
  • 6. Her Love
    Julia is reeling from the revelations about Benjamin's past. But the future is up to her.
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