Doctor Who

  • calificación: 8,80
  • año de publicación: 2005
  • Géneros : Sci-Fi, Drama, Adventure
  • Países: United Kingdom, Canada
  • Duración: 49 minutos
  • Complejidad : 9

Los que lo conocen lo llaman “Doctor” ¿Doctor quién? Ese es la pregunta eterna. Tal vez por que él mismo es eterno. Viajando en el tiempo y el espacio, él y sus compañeros regularmente salvan la tierra de misteriosos y mortales criaturas.

  • 1. Rose
    Rose Tyler is just an ordinary shop worker living an ordinary life in 21st century Britain. But that life is turned upside down when a strange man calling himself The Doctor drags her into an alien invasion attempt!
  • 2. The End of the World
    Rose goes off on her first adventure with the Doctor who takes her 5 billion years into the future to view a cataclysmic event: the destruction of the Earth. They're on an orbiting space platform with a groups of invited guests who seem to travel from one cataclysmic event to another. There are uninvited guests as well in the form of spider-like mechanical robots that seem to multiply at will and are obviously bent on causing destruction. The spiders soon dispose of the Steward and gain control of the orbiting platform's mainframe. It doesn't take long for the Doctor …
  • 3. The Unquiet Dead
    The Doctor has great expectations for his latest adventure when he and Rose join forces with Charles Dickens to investigate a mysterious plague of zombies.
  • 4. Aliens of London
    The Doctor returns Rose to her own time - well, sort of - but her family reunion is ruined when a spaceship crashes in the middle of London. What is the origin of the spaceship, and where has the Prime Minister gone in this time of crisis?
  • 5. World War Three
    The fiendish Slitheen have been unmasked as the ones who crashed the spaceship into London as part of a ruse to trigger World War Three. But how can The Doctor save the planet when he's trapped inside a locked room?
  • 6. Dalek
    The Doctor and Rose travel to the year 2012 and land in a museum of extra-terrestrial objects accumulated by the very wealthy Henry van Statten. He's an avid collector - the TARDIS lands on the museum's 53rd floor below ground level - but he's also using alien technology to develop new weapons from which he derives his large income. He's particularly proud of one device he's acquired but has not yet been able to make functional and to the Doctor's horror, it turns out to a very old and very dangerous enemy from the past.
  • 7. The Long Game
    The Doctor and Rose arrive in the year 200,000 to see The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. But something has gone wrong - someone is holding back the development of mankind. Who could have done this? And why?
  • 8. Father's Day
    All of her life, Rose's mother told how great a man her father Pete was. He was killed by a hit and run driver when Rose was just a baby and among her many regrets was that her father died alone, just lying on the street. Rose asks the Doctor to take her back to that day. Rather than just be with him when he dies, she actually saves him and later admits that this was her plan all along. She soon realizes that her parents' marriage was not exactly the golden relationship she had claimed it to be. Far worse however, is that by saving her father, Rose has created a tear …
  • 9. The Empty Child
    Rose and the Doctor find themselves in 1941 London when the TARDIS receives an emergency signal from another time-traveling vehicle. While the Doctor tries to determine where the object may have landed, Rose goes off in search of a child she can hear calling for help. When she gets herself into a precarious situation, she's rescued by the rather handsome RAF Captain Jack Harkness, who owns a time machine of his own. The Doctor meanwhile meets Nancy who has an interesting way of arranging meals for homeless children. They are also being chased by the child Rose heard …
  • 10. The Doctor Dances
    The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack Harkness are still in the hospital with the gas mask-wearing mutants and are having some trouble finding a way out. The Doctor determines that the ambulance Captain Jack was using in his scam contained nano genes, similar to the one's he used to repair Rose's rope-burned hands. Only in this case, there are enough nano genes on the loose to “repair” an entire species and they have no idea what a human looks like in the first place. The future of the human race lies in Nancy accepting her true relationship to the little boy who is …
  • 11. Boom Town
    Stopping off in present-day Cardiff to recharge the TARDIS, The Doctor, Rose and Jack encounter an old foe in the midst of hatching a scheme that could destroy the entire planet.
  • 12. Bad Wolf
    Jack, The Doctor and Rose have been kidnapped and forced to play terrible and deadly games. But what happens to the bodies of the murdered contestants? And what sinister plot do the games hide?
  • 13. The Parting of the Ways
    The Dalek fleet is poised to destroy the Earth and only The Doctor, Rose, Jack and a band of television producers can stop them.
  • 0. Episode
  • 0. The Christmas Invasion
    It's Christmas Eve, but this is to be a far from silent night - the cruel Sycorax have come to Earth to enslave mankind and, as ever, only The Doctor can stop them. Unfortunately, he's lying in a coma in Jackie's home…
  • 1. New Earth
    As Rose Tyler embarks upon her first big TARDIS adventure with the newly-regenerated Doctor, they discover a sinister hospital run by strange cat people and run in to two old acquaintances, The Face of Boe and Cassandra.
  • 2. Tooth and Claw
    The Doctor and Rose are transported to 19th Century Scotland, where they meet Queen Victoria, and try to protect her from a ravenous werewolf and a band of assassinating warrior-monks
  • 3. School Reunion
    The Krillitanes - aliens with a mix-and-match physiology - are trying to crack the ‘God-Maker’, a paradigm to give them ultimate power. They are using children as a computer, and only the Doctor and Rose, re-united with Sarah Jane Smith and K9 can prevent them from becoming masters of time and space.
  • 4. The Girl in the Fireplace
    The Doctor, Mickey and Rose land on a spaceship in the 51st century only to find 18th century Versailles on board, the time of Madame De Pompadour! To find out what's going on the Doctor must enter Versailles and save Madame De Popmpadour but it turns into an emotional roller coaster for the Doctor.
  • 5. Rise of the Cybermen
    Upon landing on an alternate version of the Earth, The Doctor, Rose and Mickey learn that Peter Tyler is apparently alive and well. Lurking in the shadows are creatures made to destroy - one of The Doctor's greatest fears have come true…the Cybermen are reborn.
  • 6. The Age of Steel
    Lumic's army of cybermen is on the rise, and with more and more people being converted by the hour, time is of the essence. The gang are reduced to fugitives as they roam the streets of parallel London trying to rid the earth of cybermen.
  • 7. The Idiot's Lantern
    In 1950s London, the police are hunting down strange, mute creatures. The people of Britain gather around their new-fangled “tele-vision” sets to celebrate the new Queen's coronation - but is something affecting the signal?
  • 8. The Impossible Planet
    The TARDIS lands on an alien planet shrouded in a darkness that even the Doctor can't figure out. And what is lurking at the bottom of The Satan Pit?
  • 9. The Satan Pit
    As Rose battles the murderous Ood, the Doctor finds his every belief being challenged to the core, as the Pit beckons. With the planet threatening to fall into the black hole, the Doctor must make the ultimate sacrifice.
  • 10. Love & Monsters
    A run in with the Doctor at a young age leads Elton to a group who's studying him, they become friends and have a laugh until Victor Kennedy arrives. Suddenly everything becomes more serious then people start disappearing from the group. Can the Doctor save Elton and explain his past before he's absorbed by the Absorbaloff
  • 11. Fear Her
    The Doctor and Rose travel to London in 2012 to see the Olympics - only to find that children are mysteriously disappearing before peoples very eyes. The answer seems to lie with a young girl named Chloe and her strange drawings - but is there something more sinister behind the disappearances?
  • 12. Army of Ghosts
    As the ghosts of loved ones appear, the whole world celebrates. But as the Doctor investigates he believes that there is a more sinister motive behind their appearence. And deep within the Torchwood tower, a mysterious sphere containing the greatest enemies of the Doctor is opened…
  • 13. Doomsday
    Earth becomes the battlefield for the greatest and deadliest war of all time, as the Daleks and the Cybermen clash with the whole universe at stake. The Doctor and Rose, reunited with old friends and Cybermen experts Mickey and Jake, race to find a way to bring the war to an end before it brings about the destruction of the whole of space and time. But the Doctor soon faces an even bigger dilemma - could ending the war mean the death of Rose?
  • 0. The Runaway Bride
    A young bride in the midst of her wedding finds herself mysteriously transported to the TARDIS. The Doctor must discover what her connection is with the Empress of Racnoss's plan to destroy the world.
  • 1. Smith and Jones
    When the hospital where medical student Martha Jones works at is transported to the moon, only the Doctor can come to the rescue and face the might of the Judoon.
  • 2. The Shakespeare Code
    The Doctor takes Martha to 1599, to meet none other than William Shakespeare in the Globe Theatre…but can he stop the curse of the three witches?
  • 3. Gridlock
    The Doctor and Martha go back to New Earth were The Doctor will encounter the Face of Boe who will tell The Doctor “The Great Secret”.
  • 4. Daleks in Manhattan
    The Doctor and Martha confront a host of surviving Daleks from the Canary Wharf battle. What are those creatures in the sewers? Who is Solomon? And why are the Cult Of Skaro attempting to create a Dalek/Human hybrid…?
  • 5. Evolution of the Daleks
    Concluding part to Daleks in Manhattan. In 1930s New York, the Daleks' plan is in full force. Faced with the cyborgs' most evil and dangerous scheme yet, will the Doctor and Martha be able to defeat their greatest opponents?
  • 6. The Lazarus Experiment
    The famous Dr Lazarus has appeared to discover the secret of eternal youth - but do his experiments hide a sinister secret?
  • 7. 42
    On a spaceship headed straight for the center of the sun, The Doctor only has 42 minutes to save Martha and the rest of the ship's crew from an inevitable doom…
  • 8. Human Nature
    In 1913, Martha watches in jealousy from afar as The Doctor learns what it is to be human and to fall in love with the local school nurse, Joan Redfern.
  • 9. The Family of Blood
    The Doctor must deal with the repercussions of his decision to become human, as The Family Of Blood unveil themselves…
  • 10. Blink
    “Don't Blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't Blink. Good Luck.” These cryptic messages left on 17 DVD's leave Sally Sparrow on a journey to assist the Doctor and Martha Jones, who are trapped in 1969. But Sally is in 2007, and they won't meet until 2008. Strange? Unusual? Not if you are the Doctor.
  • 11. Utopia
    Soon after bumping into old friend Jack Harkness, Martha and The Doctor head off to Malcassairo, a distant planet where an old professor will do anything he can to keep his people alive…
  • 12. The Sound of Drums
    The Doctor, Martha and Jack return to the 21st Century eighteen months after the Doctor and Martha left. They find they've missed the election, and the new Prime Minister, Harold Saxon, is someone they've met before by another name.
  • 13. Last of the Time Lords
    It's been a year since The Master unleashed the mysterious Toclafane onto Earth. With the human race and The Doctor enslaved under The Master's control, Martha Jones is the only person that can help stop the evil Time Lord.
  • 0. Voyage of the Damned
    The Doctor finds his TARDIS colliding with a spaceship based on the RMS Titanic during a Christmas party. With the help of a waitress named Astrid, the Doctor must take on the race called the Hosts as the lives of the Titanic crew and those on Earth are in danger.
  • 1. Partners in Crime
    With a new weight-loss pill tested in London by Adipose Industries, The Doctor goes to investigate the sinister truth behind the product, only to find out that his old friend Donna Noble is investigating as well.
  • 2. The Fires of Pompeii
    The Doctor and Donna visit Pompeii in AD 79, on the eve of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
  • 3. Planet of the Ood
    Finding themselves on the Ood-Sphere planet in the 42nd century, The Doctor and Donna discover the truth over the Ood's willingness to serve humankind.
  • 4. The Sontaran Stratagem
    UNIT's newest recruit Martha Jones enlists The Doctor's help to investigate kid genius Luke Rattigan and his ATMOS system that is used in every car on Earth.
  • 5. The Poison Sky
    With planet Earth choking under the poison sky, the Doctor must stop the Sontarans' threat to the planet.
  • 6. The Doctor's Daughter
    Caught in the middle of a war between the Humans and the Hath in the planet Messaline, the Doctor finds himself once again a father.
  • 7. The Unicorn and the Wasp
    With a 1920s dinner party turning into a murder mystery, The Doctor and Donna meet Agatha Christie on the eve of her publicized disappearance.
  • 8. Silence in the Library
    The Doctor and Donna join a group of archaeologists at a 51st century library. What caused the library to become abandoned? What are the Nodes? And what links the library to one little girl? All they have is one warning - count the shadows.
  • 9. Forest of the Dead
    With the library darkening, the Doctor takes on the Vashta Nerada while figuring out what links River Song to his future. Meanwhile, Donna finds out the mystery of Dr. Moon and the Girl.
  • 10. Midnight
    As part of a well-deserved holiday, the Doctor takes a bus tour on the planet Midnight. Little does he know that something is knocking on that bus' wall…
  • 11. Turn Left
    What would happen if Donna never met the Doctor? How would Earth handle the Racnoss, the falling Titanic or the Sontarans? Aided by a familiar blonde time traveler, Donna corrects the alternate time line from happening.
  • 12. The Stolen Earth
    The return of an old enemy leaves Earth along with 26 other planets stolen from their places. As the Doctor and Donna look for the whereabouts of Earth, former companions of the Doctor assemble a resistance against the new Dalek Empire.
  • 13. Journey's End
    In the wake of Davros' threat to destroy the existence of the Universe itself, the Doctor's companions unite to stop the Dalek empire. Which one will die by the prophecies and what will the fate be for the Doctor?
  • 14. The Next Doctor
    The Doctor arrives in London on Christmas Eve in 1851 where he encounters the Cybermen and a man who claims he's a Time Lord called the Doctor.
  • 15. Planet of the Dead
    A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worst for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.
  • 16. The Waters of Mars
    In a Mars base the inhabitants are being infected by a mysterious water creature which takes over its victims. The Doctor is thrust into the middle of this catastrophe knowing a larger one is waiting around the corner.
  • 17. The End of Time: Part One
    The Ood have given a warning to The Doctor. The Master is returning yet that is not the biggest threat. A darkness is coming which brings with it The End of Time.
  • 18. The End of Time: Part Two
    With almost everyone on Earth now recast in his image, The Master controls the world. He's shocked however when he realizes that one person hasn't changed. The Doctor soon realizes that the Time Lords are trying to return and re-establish Gallifrey. If they succeed, it is the end of time and the Doctor as we currently know him. Realizing that the Ood's prophecy will come true, he visits friends from the recent past.
  • 1. The Eleventh Hour
    With his TARDIS in ruins, the newly-regenerated Doctor with the help of Amy Pond must save the world in less than twenty minutes from galactic policemen known as the Atraxi.
  • 2. The Beast Below
    The Doctor takes Amy to the future inside Starship UK, which contains in addition to British explorers, an intimidating race known as the Smilers.
  • 3. Victory of the Daleks
    The TARDIS takes The Doctor and Amy to war-torn Britain in the middle of World War Two. Not only do they meet Winston Churchill himself, but the Doctor comes face to face once again with his greatest enemy of all.
  • 4. The Time of Angels
    The Doctor and Amy emerge from the TARDIS to find the wreck of the Byzantium spaceship. Down below the Weeping Angels are stirring, but the Doctor has someone else to contend with; none other than the mysterious Professor River Song.
  • 5. Flesh and Stone
    The Doctor, Amy, Dr. Song and the remaining soldiers manage to escape from the crashed ship and into the forest. The Angels attempt to create a rift in time and space much as the Doctor had found in Amy's room when they first met. Amy meanwhile is counting down from 10 minutes and the Doctor has determined that an Angel has taken over her mind.
  • 6. The Vampires of Venice
    The Doctor and Amy cross swords in more ways than one with a horde of blood-sucking vampires in 16th century Venice.
  • 7. Amy's Choice
    Five years after finally leaving the TARDIS Amy and Rory now married, live in the quiet little village of Leadworth. But everything is not what it would seem.
  • 8. The Hungry Earth
    The Doctor tries to get everyone to Rio, but nothing quite goes as planned. They arrive in a small Welsh village where the Doctor immediately senses that the ground isn't quite right. There is a drilling rig nearby that has reached a depth of 21 kilometers when odd things begin to happen. A local village man has disappeared and soon after Amy is swallowed into the ground. The Doctor realizes that the drilling has disturbed an ancient reptilian race that has lived deep underground for thousands upon thousands of years and who are determined to protect themselves …
  • 9. Cold Blood
    The Doctor and Nasreen Chaudry go deep underground and find an ancient society that has been disturbed by the drilling. They are gassed and taken prisoner just as Amy manages to free herself. The military commander of the underground reptilians, Restac, is convinced that the "apes' - their term for humans - are an invading force. Calmer heads prevail and the Doctor manages to negotiate a truce pending the transfer of prisoners which he, and some of the more pacifist members of the reptilians, hopes will lead to a lasting peace. The only problem is that Alaya, the …
  • 10. Vincent and the Doctor
    Visiting a museum, the Doctor and Amy are especially excited with the gallery for Vincent van Gogh. Many of van Gogh pieces are displayed, including “The Church at Auvers (1890)”. However there is something irregular discovered on the painting - a small alien image within a window pane. The Doctor quickly takes Amy back to 1890 where they locate the troubled artist that upsets the locals, cannot pay his bills, and is able to see an invisible monster that no one else is able to see.
  • 11. The Lodger
    No sooner does the TARDIS land on Earth that it leaves again - but without the Doctor who had just stepped outside. The Doctor soon finds himself at the home of Craig Owens, who has been advertising for a lodger. There's clearly something odd in the house with people being lured to the upstairs room, but never reappearing. The Doctor is having a good time of it and is having a bit of fun; he proves to be a rather good football player. Craig the landlord is very much in love with Sophie but can't quite bring himself to tell her. The Doctor tries to help them out. But …
  • 12. The Pandorica Opens
    River Song returns to deliver The Doctor a serious warning from his allies: the mythical Pandorica, said to contain the most feared creature in the entire Universe, is opening.
  • 13. The Big Bang
    The Daleks, Cybermen and others have imprisoned in the Pandorica the most dangerous creature in the universe - the Doctor, who they say will in the future destroy the universe. Moving to 1996, a preteen Amy Pond visits a museum with her Aunt and opens the Pandorica, only to find the adult version of herself inside. Traveling back and forth in time, the Doctor tries to make sense of it all and find River Song, who is also missing. He realizes that there is only one explanation for a starless universe.
  • 14. A Christmas Carol
    A space liner, with a large number of passengers aboard, is in difficulties while flying through the atmosphere of an unknown planet. Amy and Rory have been spending some time on board in the honeymoon suite and they quickly appear on deck. Amy calls the doctor for help and the TARDIS soon appears ahead of the ship. However the Doctor cannot save them and the only other option is to land on the planet below. There the Doctor meets a Scrooge like figure by the name of Kazran Sardick, the only person that can save Amy, Rory and all the other lives on the Spacecraft. The Doctor learns that the atmosphere surrounding the planet is controlled by Kazran who is unwilling to help the liner. The only option to save the ship is for the Doctor to persuade Kazran to save the liner himself. Written by Peter Alcock

    It's Christmas and once again the good Doctor comes to the rescue. Amy and Rory are aboard an intergalactic cruise ship that is about to crash and the only person who can do anything about it is completely disinterested. Kazran Sardick controls the clouds above his planet and he could save the liner with the flick of a button but he's become Scrooge-like in his hatred of Christmas and his fellow beings. Like his father before him, he's taken to lending money but demands that a member of the family be given to him in return. These are kept in a cryogenic state until the money is repaid. The doctor realizes there is only way to get Sardick to save the 4,000 souls aboard the ship and that is to go back into his past ensuring a happier childhood which will hopefully remove the bitterness he now carries as an old man. As a youth - and later as a young adult - Sardick meets and falls in love with the beautiful Abigail who he and the Doctor release from her cryogenic state every Christmas Eve. Will it be enough to save Amy?
  • 0. Episode
  • 0. A Christmas Carol
    A space liner, with a large number of passengers aboard, is in difficulties while flying through the atmosphere of an unknown planet. Amy and Rory have been spending some time on board in the honeymoon suite and they quickly appear on deck. Amy calls the doctor for help and the TARDIS soon appears ahead of the ship. However the Doctor cannot save them and the only other option is to land on the planet below. There the Doctor meets a Scrooge like figure by the name of Kazran Sardick, the only person that can save Amy, Rory and all the other lives on the Spacecraft.
  • 1. The Impossible Astronaut
    River Song, Rory, The Doctor and Amy are reunited in the Utah desert
  • 2. Day of the Moon
    Still in 1969, the Doctor has come to the conclusion that the alien creatures are only seen when they directly look at them. As soon as you look away, any memory of their presence is wiped clean. The aliens are also able to leave suggestions in people's minds, and aren't invaders per se, but have been on Earth for a very long time. While the Doctor works to ensure the success of Apollo 11, the others try to solve the mystery of the little girl in the space suit.
  • 3. The Curse of the Black Spot
    On board a 17th century pirate ship sailing the ocean waves, a crew under the command of one Captain Avery are being picked off one by one by a ghostly apparition. They believe it to be a legendary Siren, a beautiful and mesmerizing demon who lures men to their death with its haunting Siren song. She marks her prey before retrieving them with a black spot on their hand, a mark that means certain death. As they are becalmed and stuck in the ocean, all seems lost for the dwindling pirate crew… until three stowaways are discovered with a mysterious blue crate.
  • 4. The Doctor's Wife
    While traveling in the TARDIS with Rory and Amy, the Doctor hears a knock on the TARDIS doors. Bewildered and and no doubt curious answers only to be presented with a mysterious box which carries a distress signal. Believing it to be from a fellow Time Lord the cosmic nomad whisks himself and his companions outside boundaries of the universe on what should be a rescue mission. But what everyone finds is a dark Junk-yard planet populated by the bizarre, Auntie, Uncle and Nephew. But last and not least among the strange inhabitants is a mentally unstable woman that goes…
  • 5. The Rebel Flesh
    The Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in a future Earth where a small group of humans operate a plant extracting highly dangerous chemicals. To minimize the danger to themselves, they create clones made of a plastic-like substance, ‘gangers’ (short for doppelganger) who do the actual work. While forming their clones however, the Earth is struck by massive solar flare activity that transfer the humans' emotions and memories in addition to their technical abilities. As they all try to deal with what has happened, the gangers are clearly no longer prepared to accept the …
  • 6. The Almost People
    As the dopplegangers - ‘gangers’ for short - fight their makers, both Doctors, the real one and his ganger, try to find a way to restore the power and get everyone off the island. Both Doctors claim to be the 100% real thing, something Emily can't quite grasp. Rory meanwhile is trying to find Jennie but when he locates her and her ganger, he can't tell them apart. Having selected one of them, they discover of a company secret forces their hand. He soon realizes he's made an error. There is another ganger in the group however.
  • 7. A Good Man Goes to War
    A member of The Doctor's team has been abducted and he will call in every favor and maybe even go to war to get him/her back.
  • 8. Let's Kill Hitler
    In the desperate search for Melody Pond, the TARDIS crash lands in Thirties Berlin, as the time-travelling drama returns for the second half of the series shown earlier in the year. The Doctor comes face to face with the greatest war criminal in the Universe. And Hitler. Old friendships are tested to their limits as the Doctor suffers the ultimate betrayal and learns a harsh lesson in the cruelest warfare of all. As precious time ebbs away, the Doctor must teach his adversaries that time travel has responsibilities. And he must succeed before an almighty price is paid.
  • 9. Night Terrors
    A young boy living in a tower block on a council estate sends out, unknowingly, a psychic distress call transmitted to the Doctor's ‘psychic paper’. When the doctor and his associates eventually find the correct flat in the tower block, they are inadvertently sent by the boy into a doll house, where they are terrorized by life-size peg dolls, and are threatened with becoming peg dolls themselves.
  • 10. The Girl Who Waited
    Amy is trapped in a quarantine facility for victims of an alien plague which could kill the doctor in minutes if he were to catch it. So Rory is the only one who can go into the facility to save her but can he save her before she is killed by kindness?
  • 11. The God Complex
    The Doctor, Amy and Rory become trapped in a hotel of horrors unable to escape and unable to find the tardis. The Doctor must save as many people as he can taking many twists and seeing his own worst fear.
  • 12. Closing Time
    After traveling for 200 years and leaving messages for Amy Pond across time and space, the Doctor realizes his time is up, its time to settle down and accept his future at Lake Silencio. . . . . .But not before one last goodbye. The Doctor travels to England and visits Craig and Sophie, who are now happily married and struggling with parenthood. Not everything is well, as the Doctor soon finds himself miraculously working at a shop and battling Cybermen.
  • 13. The Wedding of River Song
    It's April 22, 2011 the day the Doctor is supposed to die but time seems to be stuck at 5:02 p.m. London streets are clogged not only with automobiles but also Roman chariots; pterodactyls fly in the sky. The Holy Roman Emperor, Winston Churchill, calls on a prisoner to explain what is happening. In fact, all time seems to be occurring all at once. The Doctor determines that a fixed point in time has been altered or prevented from occurring. That fixed point is his own death at Lake Silencio where history records that River Song killed him. Of course not all is as it …
  • 14. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
    It's Christmas Eve, 1938, when Madge Arwell comes to the aid of an injured Spaceman Angel as she cycles home. He promises to repay her kindness - all she has to do is make a wish. Three years later, a devastated Madge escapes war-torn London with her two children for a dilapidated house in Dorset. She is crippled with grief at the news her husband has been lost over the channel, but determined to give Lily and Cyril the best Christmas ever. The Arwells are surprised to be greeted by a madcap caretaker whose mysterious Christmas gift leads them into a magical wintry world. Here, Madge will learn how to be braver than she ever thought possible. And that wishes can come true…
  • 14. Pond Life - series
    Prequel to series seven of Doctor Who; five short films show the home life of Amy and Rory, while The Doctor has a few adventures of his own.
  • 0. Episode
  • 0. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
    It's Christmas Eve, 1938, when Madge Arwell comes to the aid of an injured Spaceman Angel as she cycles home. He promises to repay her kindness - all she has to do is make a wish. Three years later, a devastated Madge escapes war-torn London with her two children for a dilapidated house in Dorset. She is crippled with grief at the news her husband has been lost over the channel, but determined to give Lily and Cyril the best Christmas ever. The Arwells are surprised to be greeted by a madcap caretaker whose mysterious Christmas gift leads them into a magical wintry …
  • 1. Asylum of the Daleks
    The Doctor along with an Amy and Rory who are headed for divorce are kidnapped by the Daleks. They find themselves before the Dalek Parliament and the Doctor is quite surprised when he learns why: they want the him to save them. A ship has crashed on the one place they will not go - the Asylum, where mad Daleks are sent to spend their days. Once there, they are assisted by the only survivor of the crash, Oswin, who has been there for a year awaiting rescue and making soufflé's to pass the time. Which leads the Doctor to ask the most important question of all: where …
  • 2. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
    After a lengthy absence, the Doctor returns to Earth and scoops up up Amy and Rory for yet another adventure. He also manages somehow to include Rory's dad, Brian Williams. Those aren't the only travelers however as Queen Nefertiti and big-game hunter John Riddell are also on board. The TARDIS next reappears on board a large ship and the Doctor is delighted to find a cargo of prehistoric dinosaurs on board. Using the ship's computers, Amy determines that the ship's crew is nowhere to be found. There is someone on board however who has no intention of giving up his …
  • 3. A Town Called Mercy
    The Doctor, Amy and Rory find themselves in the American wild west sometime in the 19th century. The small town has a Marshal but they're not that keen on the new arrivals. They are also under threat from an alien, a half-man half-robot hunter who is out to eliminate the Doctor. Not the we know but another, Kahler Jex, who has escaped from his world. He's done many good things for the local community but his past is somewhat questionable. When the Marshall is killed, it's left to the Doctor to decide how best to proceed.
  • 4. The Power of Three
    Earth is suddenly visited by millions of small black cubes of unknown origin. The Doctor joins Amy, Rory and Rory's father, Brian, to help discover what these cubes bring for humanity.
  • 5. The Angels Take Manhattan
    The Doctor takes Amy and Rory to New York, where the Weeping Angels are waiting for them. River Song returns.
  • 6. The Snowmen
    London, 1892. Snow is trying to evolve, feeding off of the nightmares of a little girl. But the Doctor has given up on saving the world. It is up to a young governess named Clara to convince him, with just one word, to save the day.
  • 7. The Bells of Saint John
    A chance phone call reunites the Doctor with Clara in the present day. A mysterious organization, lead by the evil Miss Kizlet, sends robots known as “Spoonheads” to steal the minds of people who use the company's WiFi. The Doctor and Clara must work together to find the location of the organization and destroy it before the whole world is trapped by the WiFi.
  • 8. The Rings of Akhaten
    Still not quite able to explain just who she is, the Doctor and Clara set off on their first adventure. He takes her to see the Rings of Akhaten and its famous pyramid. The residents of the 7 planets rotating the same sun all believe the pyramid is the source of all life in the universe. There are quite a few visitors there for the Festival of Offering and Clara and helps a young girl, Merry, to have the confidence to perform an important ceremony to sooth and keep the Old God asleep. When Merry is drawn into the pyramid the Doctor and Clara go after her. When the Old…
  • 9. Cold War
    The Doctor and Clara find themselves dealing with Cold War tensions when the TARDIS lands aboard a disabled Soviet ballistic submarine. The Doctor isn't the only alien being on board however - while engaged in undersea drilling, Professor Grisenko thought he'd found a mammoth and brought the creature on the boat encased in ice. It isn't a mammoth but an Ice Warrior, who has been lying dormant for 5000 years. He identifies himself as Grand Marshal Skaldak but when he cannot contact others of his kind, he assumes he is the of his race. He now has every intention of …
  • 10. Hide
    The Doctor and Clara arrive at an old manor house in 1974 where Alec Palmer and Emma Grayling are investigating the existence of a ghost. Alec is a former army Major and now a psychologist while Emma is an empathic psychic who can not only sense the presence of paranormal beings but can sense their feelings as well. Palmer explains that the house has been haunted for hundreds of years and the ghost, a woman, is likely much older. Emma senses that the ghost is very lonely but the Doctor realizes that she is not a ghost at all but a creature trapped in a zone where time…
  • 11. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
    The Doctor and Clara find themselves aboard a space freighter that has taken the TARDIS on-board as salvage. While the Doctor is ejected, Clara finds herself wandering through the vehicle exploring it's many - seemingly infinite - rooms. The Doctor re-enters the TARDIS accompanied by three workers from the salvage ship and they have but 30 minutes to find her. There are creatures in the depths of the TARDIS and the time travel machine will do whatever it takes to protect itself. There is a rupture in time however and the TARDIS is leaking recent history….which the …
  • 12. The Crimson Horror
    The Doctor and Clara arrive in 19th century Yorkshire where moral crusader Mrs Gillyflower is recruiting beautiful people for her idyllic garden city. At the same time rigid corpses dyed red are piling up and the brother of one of the victims seeks help from Madame Vastra. She and her party travel to Yorkshire where they rescue Doctor Who and Clara from the clutches of Mrs Gillyflower. They discover that the woman is a fanatical exponent of ethnic cleansing who plans to do away with those who do not meet her standards - even her daughter Ada. The Doctor and his allies…
  • 13. Nightmare in Silver
  • 14. The Name of the Doctor
    The Doctor's friends are being kidnapped, which leads him to the fields of Trenzalore, where his greatest secret will be revealed and Clara's mystery will be solved.
  • 15. The Day of the Doctor
    In 2013, something terrible is awakening in London's National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion.
  • 16. The Time of the Doctor
    The Doctor's worst enemies, The Daleks, The Cybermen, The Angels and The Silence, return, as the doctor's eleventh life comes to a close, and his twelfth life begins.
  • 1. Deep Breath
    When the doctor arrives in Victorian London he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions.
  • 2. Into the Dalek
    The Doctor is in, and he has a new patient. The Timelord faces his greatest enemy with Clara by his side, but as he is forced to examine his own conscience, he will truly find out the answer to the question: Am I a good man?
  • 3. Robot of Sherwood
    In Sherwood forest, the Dr. finds an evil plan from outer space, and makes an alliance with Robin Hood. With Nottingham at stake, the Dr. must decide who is real and who is fake.
  • 4. Listen
    When ghosts of past and future crowd into their lives, the Doctor and Clara are thrown into an adventure that takes them to the very end of the universe.
  • 5. Time Heist
    The Doctor and Clara must break into the most secure bank in the universe.
  • 6. The Caretaker
    The terrifying Skovox Blitzer is ready to destroy all humanity - but worse, and any second now, Danny Pink and the Doctor are going to meet.
  • 7. Kill the Moon
    In the near future, the Doctor and Clara find themselves on a space shuttle making a suicide mission to the Moon. Crash-landing on the lunar surface they find the most terrible things.
  • 8. Mummy on the Orient Express
    On the most beautiful train in history, speeding amongst the stars of the future, a deadly and immortal creature is stalking the passengers.
  • 9. Flatline
    Separated from the Doctor, Clara discovers a new menace from another dimension. But how do you hide when even the walls are no protection? With people to save and the Doctor trapped, Clara comes up against an enemy that exists beyond human perception.
  • 10. In the Forest of the Night
    One morning in London, and every city and town in the world, the human race wakes up to the most surprising invasion yet: the trees have moved back in. Everywhere, in every land, a forest has grown and taken back the Earth.
  • 11. Dark Water
    In the mysterious world of the Nethersphere, plans have been drawn. Old friends and old enemies manoeuvre around The Doctor, and an impossible choice is looming over him.
  • 12. Death in Heaven
    With Cybermen on the streets of London, old friends unite against old enemies and the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role. As the Doctor faces his greatest challenge, sacrifices must be made before the day is won.
  • 13. Episode
  • 13. Last Christmas
  • 1. The Magician's Apprentice
    When the skies of Earth are frozen by a mysterious alien force, Clara needs her friend, the Doctor. But where is he and what is he hiding from?
  • 2. The Witch's Familiar
    Trapped and alone in a terrifying Dalek city, the Doctor is at the heart of an evil Empire; no sonic, no TARDIS, nobody to help. With his greatest temptation before him, can the Doctor resist? And will there be mercy?
  • 3. Under the Lake
    Under a lake a gleaming black spaceship is recovered but there is nothing inside. When the base crew start dying, they discover that ghosts are real. The Doctor and Clara arrive to find the base under siege and the Doctor discovers that this is more than a ghost story.
  • 4. Before the Flood
    In a town that never was, the Doctor and his friends are being stalked by a mysterious figure. With the past and future in the balance, can the Doctor stop the evil Fisher King? And more importantly, who composed Beethoven's 5th.
  • 5. The Girl Who Died
    In a Viking village, a girl named Ashildr is about to make a desperate mistake. The Mire are the deadliest mercenaries in the galaxy, famed for showing no mercy and Ashildr has just declared war on them. The Doctor and Clara have 12 hours to turn a peaceful village into strong fighters, ready for the deadly Mire.
  • 6. The Woman Who Lived
    England, 1651. A deadly highwayman known only as ‘The Nightmare’ plagues the dark streets of London, his fire-breathing accomplice by his side. There's something clearly more than human here, and that includes the loot as much as the outlaws. Who are these creatures, and are they enemies to be fought, or friends who might possibly save the Doctor from certain doom on the gallows?
  • 7. The Zygon Invasion
    The fragile peace between the Humans and the Zygons is on a knife edge. Tensions run high as factions within the Zygon community seek to incite violent action against Humans. Called in by UNIT, the Doctor and Clara fight to bring he situation under control. But one question remains: Where on Earth is Osgood?
  • 8. The Zygon Inversion
    With the Zygons invading England, and UNIT neutralized, the Doctor stands alone to stop the Zygons from taking over the entire planet. But how can he stop the Zygons? And how can he save his friends?
  • 9. Sleep No More
    Vision recovered from the wreckage of Le Verrier Space Station shows how the Doctor and Clara became entangled in a rescue mission. As the footage plays out, a horrifying secret is uncovered.
  • 10. Face the Raven
    The Doctor and Clara are called back to earth when rigsy gets a strange tattoo on the back of his neck, leading to them discovering a hidden street in the middle of London, and Clara having to make the ultimate sacrifice to save rigsy.
  • 11. Heaven Sent
    Trapped in a world unlike any other he has seen, the Doctor faces the greatest challenge of his many lives. One final test. And he must face it alone…
  • 12. Hell Bent
    If you took everything from him, betrayed him, trapped him, and broke both his hearts… how far might the Doctor go? Returning to Gallifrey, the Doctor faces the Time Lords in a struggle that will take him to the end of time itself. Who is the Hybrid? And what is the Doctor's confession?
  • 13. Episode
  • 13. The Husbands of River Song
  • 0. The Return of Doctor Mysterio
  • 0. Episode
  • 1. The Pilot
    Two worlds collide when the Doctor meets Bill. A chance encounter with a girl with a star in her eye leads to a terrifying chase across time and space. Bill’s mind is opened to a Universe that is bigger and more exciting than she could possibly have imagined – but who is the Doctor, and what is his secret mission with Nardole on Earth?
  • 2. Smile
    The language of the future is emoji! The Doctor takes Bill to a spectacular city on a distant planet - but where are the colonists? A band of ‘cute’ droids hold the deadly answer.
  • 3. Thin Ice
    London, 1814. The entire city has turned out for the biggest Frost Fair in decades. But beneath the frozen Thames, revellers are disappearing, snatched through the ice and pulled into the depths where a terrifying monster lurks. Will the Doctor and Bill stop the slaughter before they too are dragged into the icy waters?
  • 4. Knock Knock
    Why do floorboards creak? When a sinister landlord shows Bill and her friends the perfect houseshare, they have no idea what lies ahead… knock knock, who's there?
  • 5. Oxygen
    “Space - the final frontier. Final because it wants to kill us.” Trapped on a space station with no oxygen, the Doctor, Bill and Nardole are horrified to discover the automated spacesuits keeping them alive are also trying to kill them!
  • 6. Extremis
    “The Veritas. The truth. Truth so true you can't live with it. Is that looking into hell… or seeing the light?” Everyone who has ever read the Veritas has been found dead. In a forbidden library at the heart of the Vatican, the pope urges the Doctor to read the ancient text - but can he handle the truth?
  • 7. The Pyramid at the End of the World
    An “ancient” pyramid appears overnight. Every clock in the world begins counting down to the Earth's destruction. Three opposing armies lie ready to annihilate each other. An alien race stands ready to offer humanity a deal that could save them, but also enslave them. It's a terrifying race against time to save the world. Will the Doctor be forced to accept their help?
  • 8. The Lie of the Land
    Earth has been invaded and Bill is living alone, an isolated figure surviving in occupied Britain. The Doctor is imprisoned and appears to be on the side of the enemy, flooding the airwaves with fake news. Bill and Nardole must embark on a deadly mission to rescue the Doctor and lead the resistance against the new regime, whatever the cost.
  • 9. The Empress of Mars
    “God save the Queen” has been scrawled on the surface of Mars. What are Victorians doing on the home of the Ice Warriors? And what will they find beneath the Martian soil?
  • 10. The Eaters of Light
    A long time ago, the ninth legion of the Roman army vanished into the mists of Scotland. Bill has a theory about what happened, and the Doctor has a time machine. But when they arrive in ancient Aberdeenshire, what they find is a far greater threat than any army. In a cairn, on a hillside, is a doorway leading to the end of the world.
  • 11. World Enough and Time
    Friendship drives the Doctor into the rashest decision of his life. Trapped on a giant spaceship, caught in the event horizon of a black hole, he witnesses the death of someone he is pledged to protect. Is there any way he can redeem his mistake? Are events already out of control? For once, time is the Time Lord’s enemy.
  • 12. The Doctor Falls (2)
    “Without hope, without witness, without reward.” The Mondasian Cybermen are on the rise. It’s time for the Doctor’s final battle…
  • 0. Twice Upon a Time
    The 12th Doctor still refuses to regenerate and meets his first incarnation, the 1st Doctor.
  • 1. The Woman Who Fell to Earth
    “We don't get aliens in Sheffield.” In a South Yorkshire city, Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan and Graham O'Brien are about to have their lives changed forever, as a mysterious woman, unable to remember her own name, falls from the night sky. Can they believe a word she says? And can she help solve the strange events taking place across the city?
  • 2. The Ghost Monument
    Still reeling from their first encounter, can the Doctor and her new friends stay alive long enough, in a hostile alien environment , to solve the mystery of Desolation? And just who are Angstrom and Epzo?
  • 3. Rosa
    Montgomery, Alabama. 1955. The Doctor and her friends find themselves in the Deep South of America. As they encounter a seamstress by the name of Rosa Parks, they begin to wonder whether someone is attempting to change history.
  • 4. Arachnids in the UK
    “Something's happening with the spiders in this city.” The Doctor, Yaz, Graham and Ryan find their way back to Yorkshire - and Yaz's family - only to find something is stirring amidst the eight-legged arachnid population of Sheffield.
  • 5. The Tsuranga Conundrum
    Injured and stranded in the wilds of a far-flung galaxy, the Doctor, Yaz, Graham and Ryan must band together with a group of strangers to survive against one of the universe's most deadly - and unusual - creatures.
  • 6. Demons of the Punjab
    India, 1947. The Doctor and her friends arrive in the Punjab, as India is being torn apart. While Yaz attempts to discover her grandmother's hidden history, the Doctor discovers demons haunting the land. Who are they, and what do they want?
  • 7. Kerblam!
    “Delivery for the Doctor!” A mysterious message arrives in a package addressed to the Doctor, leading her, Graham, Yaz and Ryan to investigate the warehouse moon orbiting Kandoka, and the home of the galaxy’s largest retailer: Kerblam!
  • 8. The Witchfinders
    The Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz arrive in 17th-century Lancashire and become embroiled in a witch tria run by the local landowner. As fear stalks the land, the arrival of King James I only serves to intensify the witch hunt. But is there something even more dangerous at work? Can the Doctor and friends keep the people of Bilehurst Cragg safe from all the forces that are massing in the land?
  • 9. It Takes You Away
    On the edge of a Norwegian fjord in the present day, the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz discover a boarded-up cottage and a girl named Hanne in need of their help. What has happened here? What monster lurks in the woods around the cottage - and beyond?
  • 10. The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
    On the planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos, a battlefield, a conflict-scarred survivor, and a deadly reckoning await the Doctor, Ryan, Yaz and Graham.
  • 11. Resolution
    As the New Year begins, a terrifying evil is stirring from across the centuries of Earth's history. As the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz return home, will they be able to overcome the threat to planet Earth?
  • 1. Spyfall, Part 1 (1)
    When intelligence agents around the world come under attack from alien forces, MI6 turns to the only person who can help- a certain Doctor and her companions. As they travel the globe in pursuit of answers, threats arrive from all sides, leaving Earth’s security resting on the team’s shoulders. But where will this planet-threatening conspiracy lead them?
  • 2. Spyfall, Part 2
    In part two of this epic spy thriller, a terrifying plan to destroy humanity is about to reach fruition. Can the Doctor and her friends escape multiple traps and defeat a deadly alliance?
  • 3. Orphan 55
    The Doctor and her friends discover that the luxury resort where they are holidaying is hiding a number of deadly secrets. What are the ferocious monsters attacking Tranquillity Spa?
  • 4. Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
    1903. On the edge of Niagara Falls, something is wrong at Nikola Tesla’s generator plant. Who or what is sabotaging the maverick inventor’s work? Has he really received a message from Mars? And where does his great rival Thomas Edison fit into these events? The Doctor, Yaz, Ryan and Graham must join forces with one of history’s great minds to save both him and planet Earth.
  • 5. Fugitive of the Judoon
    Ko Sho Blo! Trigger-happy space police the Judoon are targeting 21st-century Gloucester. The Doctor, Yaz, Ryan and Graham race back to Earth in order to prevent them doing too much damage to the cathedral city. But who are they looking for, and what did they do to incur the wrath of the Judoon?
  • 6. Praxeus
    The mysterious “Praxeus” will cause the quartet to split up (never a good idea) to investigate mysteries all over Earth. And what they find will threaten all human life (again).
  • 7. Can You Hear Me?
    As Graham, Yaz and Ryan return home to see friends and family, they find themselves haunted by very different experiences. Who is the figure calling from beyond the stars for help, and why? And what are the fearsome Chagaskas terrorising Aleppo in 1380? To find the answers, Team TARDIS must embark on a mission which forces them to face their darkest fears.
  • 8. The Haunting of Villa Diodati
    Lake Geneva, 1816. Lord Byron and the Shelleys prepare for a night telling ghost stories, but their villa proves to have ghostly presences all its own.
  • 9. The Ascension of the Cybermen (1)
    In the far future, the Doctor and her friends face a brutal battle across the farthest reaches of space to protect the last of the human race against the deadly Cybermen.
  • 10. The Timeless Children (2)
  • 0. Episode
  • 1. The Halloween Apocalypse
    On Halloween, all across the universe, terrifying forces are stirring. The life of Dan Lewis is about to change forever. Why is the Doctor chasing Karvanista? What is the Flux?
  • 2. War of the Sontarans
    In the Crimean War, the Doctor discovers the British army fighting a brutal alien army of Sontarans, as Yaz and Dan are thrown deeper into a battle for survival. What is the Temple of Atropos? Who are the Mouri?
  • 3. Once, Upon Time
    'Time is beginning to run wild.' On a planet that shouldn’t exist, in the aftermath of apocalypse, the Doctor, Dan, Yaz and Vinder face a battle to survive.
  • 4. Village of the Angels
    Devon, November 1967. A little girl has gone missing, Professor Eustacius Jericho is conducting psychic experiments, and in the village graveyard, there is one gravestone too many. Why is Medderton known as the Cursed Village, and what do the Weeping Angels want?
  • 5. Survivors of the Flux
    As the forces of evil mass, the Doctor, Yaz and Dan face perilous journeys and seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their quest for survival.
  • 6. The Vanquishers
    In the final epic chapter in the story of the Flux, all hope is lost. The forces of darkness are in control. But when the monsters have won, who can you count upon to save the universe?
  • 7. Eve of the Daleks
  • 8. Episode
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